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I enter the spacious living room and see Doctor Ashley on the phone finishing up his conversation

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I enter the spacious living room and see Doctor Ashley on the phone finishing up his conversation

"Alright, sounds great. I'll talk to you later. Thank you, Bye now" he says and hangs up the phone turning towards me

"How was it?" he asks

"It took a while but I was able to change his bandages" I say with a sigh taking a seat on the sofa

He's such an arrogant ass

"Ya well that arrogant ass is also my best friend" He says with a chuckle

Shit... did I say that out loud?

"Oh, so-So-rry I didn't me-" I try to say

He sits down beside me and turns towards me

"Don't worry about it. We've been very close friends ever since we were young. He can be difficult to handle, he doesn't like the idea of being helped and taken care of" Dr. Ashley says

"Ya well I'm only doing my job"

One of the maids enter the living room carrying two cups of tea

"Tea Miss?" she asks

"Thank you Molly" he says to her

We both take a cup and he continues speaking

"You  know, he wasn't always like this. He hit a rough place after the accident. It changed him" He says

"What was he like before?" I ask taking a sip of my tea

"Ace used to be one of the most caring people I had ever met. He would always be smiling and everything was just perfect for him. Even though he had a rough childhood, he moved out of his parents' place when he was 18. He was very intelligent with the tech field and created a project that he ended up selling for millions of dollars. When he was 21, he opened his own built tech company that is now a multi-million dollar company. He built himself from nothing" he says

Wow. I didn't know that, he's about to speak again but then we hear the violin being played.

It was so beautiful. The soft melody pulled me in and I couldn't stop myself from closing my eyes and feeling every single note that seemed like held a meaning. It really was beautiful

"Ah, it's 12pm. Everyday at noon Ace plays his violin. It helps him with his stress" the doctor says

I turn to him with shock "Thats Mr. Anderson playing?" I ask surprised

"Yes, he's always played the violin ever since he was young. It's a comfort to him, especially after what happend. You know he was engaged before the accident"

"What do you mean engaged? What happend to his fiance" I ask

"Ace was a trained pilot and took one of his small planes out one day. There was alot of turbulence and he ended up crashing. As you can see, he was seriously hurt and his face is all damaged. When his fiance who by the way is a well known model, heard about the news and came to see him, she was in shock. He was in a coma for 2 weeks. She tried her best to be there for him but couldn't hold it in anymore and broke. She left Ace saying that she wouldn't be able to even look at him anymore. It hurt her but she took of her engagement ring and left it right beside him" he says

"Wow, I can't believe she would leave him just because he got into an accident" I say with disbelief. It even hurt me, to imagine the pain Ace felt

"Ya well, he wasnt mr. perfect to her anymore. She said she wouldn't be able to go out in public with him looking like that" he says

"Thats crazy, is that why he didn't want me taking off his bandages?" I ask

"Yes, Ace has always been independent ever since he was young. And now that he's injured and isn't able to do things by himself, it hurt him especially how his fiance left. Its just a rough time for him at the moment" Dr. Ashley explains

"I understand" I answer turning to where the music of the violin was coming from

It's crazy how every person has a story to the way they react.

"Well then, Im gonna get going. I will come back tomorrow in the evening to check up on him again. Until then, if you need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to call me" he says before leaving

I head up to my room and pass by what I believe is Ace's room. I gently lean against the door listening to his playing. Every note he was playing had an emotion to it and I somehow could feel everything he was feeling. It was crazy to me

All of a sudden, the music stopped and the door I was leaning against opend causing me to fall onto the ground

I see a pair of slippers infront of me and my eyes travel up until they meet deep blue ones.

"Why were you leaning against my door?" he asks looking pissed

"I-um, I-uh..." I advert my eyes to the ground and push myself up to stand

"Um, I was passing by to my room and heard your playing. I was-onl-ly listening-" he cuts me off

damn this man likes to interrupt people

"Don't do that again. Now leave" He says closing the door in my face

What a rude ass

I let out a puff of air and go to my room. I set an alarm for 6pm which is when I need to give Ace his pills. Until then, I decided to organize my things and take a small nap

I wake up to the sound of my alarm beeping and go down to the medical room and don't see Ace in there. I grab the medications and look around until I see him sitting at the dinning table

"Will you be eating with Mr. Anderson?" the maid who name I learned is Molly asks as she brings Ace his food

Before  I could answer, He speaks for me

"No, she can eat after" he says with a grunt

Again, What an ASS

I move up to him and slam down the container with his pills

"Take these" I sneer being a little too dramatic

Right before I exit the dinning room, I turn towards him and let the words escape my mouth

"You don't need to be rude. No one here gives a shit about what you look like, accidents happen so you don't need to be rude to me. Im only here to help but you did all of this on your own. Don't push people who want to help away." I say and quickly leave the room


Why the hell did I just say that? K I'm probably fired now....

I swear, I don't have a filter.

Whoa... alrighty thennnn

Thank you so much for reading! New update tomorrow :))))
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Happy reading
Bye for now 💋

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