My office

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I throw my head back and close my eyes as we drive to the company

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I throw my head back and close my eyes as we drive to the company. I turn and look at Ace who was on his phone, reading the speech he was about to give to the whole world.

I finally gave a moment to realize what he was wearing. This hectic morning hasn't really allowed me to free my mind and think of other things. I noticed he was wearing a dark blue suit with a white dress shirt that was slightly unbuttoned. His hair was gelled back and he looked really professional. It was a different look compared to what he used to wear as Liam. Now he looked more in control, like before.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when he looks up and speaks

"Alex?" he questions

I immediately stop freakishly staring at him and look out the window.

"Do I need to speak too when you give the speech?" I ask him after a few seconds

"You don't need to, unless you want to?" he asks

I shake my head, "No thanks, I'd rather not" I say

The drive isn't too far since the penthouse is like 2 minutes away from Anderson Tech. The driver parked the car in front of the building and right in front, was a huge crowd of media reporters, photographers, cameras and a podium with a microphone. The valet opens the door and I get out first. Immediately cameras turn to me and the flashes go off. I turn and wait for Ace to come out behind me and when he steps out, everyone goes even crazier. This was their first time seeing him back, I know the crazy feeling. He stands beside me and puts a hand on my lower back. I would have slapped his arm off if we didn't have thousands of lenses pointed towards us. We both give a small smile and walk upto the podium. I stand to his side and he goes close to the microphone. The crazy mob of people yelling dies down as they become silent and focus everything on Ace, to hear what he has to say. He takes a moment to start his speech, a moment to get ready.

"No one really knows why they are alive, until they know what they'd die for. A quote from Martin Luther King.

I understand many of you are asking questions. How could something that is gone, be here today? I am Ace Anderson. In the government, I died one year ago, yet here I am, in front of you today, alive. You've seen the medical records, DNA results confirming that it's truly me. I know it is shocking and everyone is confused. The most important question is why.
I am standing here, in front of you this morning, to explain to you why. To answer your questions. This is an opportunity for me to explain myself and for you to understand my point of view on what has happened.

I spent my whole life, dedicated my whole life, to building this company. I built something, out of nothing. I got married to my beautiful wife. I had goals and determination and my life looked perfect. Yet as we know, life can never truly be perfect. Everyone has enemies. My enemies got to a point where they were being a threat to not only me, but to my family. I was cornered into making one last decision which was wiping myself off of this earth. I had to go under the radar, cut off communication with everyone. This resulted in my fake death which I understand, got out of hand. However, looking at it from my point of view, it was a life-threatening situation where I had to keep under the radar, in order to protect myself and my family. My intention was never to hurt my friends, family or loved ones. Even though, in my heart, I was by their side the whole time" he turns to me and tries holding my hand. It was blocked by the podium so I pulled my hand away.

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