Chapter Four - James

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Of course Amelia looks over at Mason and his date, she's never enjoyed following instructions. Especially not from Guy. She gasps, "Who is that?"

I take a look too and find myself gasping as well, "That's Megan."

"You know her?"

"She used to be my best friend."

At the start of intermediate I was rather lonely. My primary school taught intermediate aged kids as well, but it was a small school. My parents wanted to prepare me for the size of high school, so they sent me to intermediate. All my friends were still at my old school. I felt so alone.

After a few weeks however, Megan came up to me on the obstacle course. She asked if I wanted to hang out with her, and after that we became the best of friends. We hung out with each other every day, and we told each other all of our secrets.

The next year however, she started drifting away from me. I was never entirely sure why. I just figured we grew apart. It's natural for that to happen sometimes. I still had a suspicion that there may have been a deeper reason as to why our friendship ended but I brushed it off.

I eventually met Mason, Amelia, Lola and Tessa, and we've been friends ever since. I never told them about Megan, it never really came up. At least not until now.

"What are they doing here? It's almost like they wanted to bump into us," says Amelia.

"Yeah, it's hardly a romantic location for a first date," says Guy.

I take another look at Mason to find him and Megan walking over to us.

"Code red, they're approaching," I mutter.

Mason waltzes up to us like nothing has happened, "Hey. Fancy seeing you all here."

"Yeah, it's not like we come here all the time or anything," says Amelia sarcastically.

There's an awkward silence until Megan notices me. Shit.

"James? I haven't seen you in ages! How are you?" she says, attempting but failing miserably to sound like she genuinely cares.

"I'm alright. What about you? On a date I see?"

I really couldn't care less who Mason is dating, but I'm asking on Amelia's behalf.

"Oh yeah. It's crazy, I haven't known Mason that long but I feel like I've known him forever."

She said that. She really said that.

"What about you? Been out with any cute boys?"

I swallow and pray that nobody is paying attention to what she's saying. Megan is the only person that I've ever come out to. I can never seem to find the words to tell anyone else. I'm too scared what they'd think, too worried that they won't accept me.

"Boys?" asks Amelia, sounding befuddled. Oh god.

"Yeah... James is gay. You guys didn't know that?"

I glare at her, "No. They didn't."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

Amelia glares at Megan too, "You should be."

"Maybe we should go..."

"Don't bother. We were just leaving," says Amelia, standing up, "Have fun on your date you two."

And just like that she walks out of the restaurant. The rest of us follow her out. I take a quick glance at Mason before leaving. He looks shocked. I don't think he expected Amelia to react like that, hes not used to seeing her mad.

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