Chapter Fourteen - James

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"James, could you stay behind for a moment?" asks Mr Richards.

Mr Richards is my Biology teacher. I try not to have favourites, but if I had to choose a favourite teacher, it would be him. I love his teaching style and he always helps me if I struggle.

"Sure," I say, walking over to his desk.

"I've marked your last internal, and I have some bad news for you."

"I didn't fail, did I?"

"No, of course not, I don't think you could fail anything in this class if you tried."

I let out a sigh of relief, the last thing I need is a not achieved.

"You got a Merit."

Oh crap. In New Zealand there are four grades you can get for your assignments and exams: Not Achieved, Achieved, Merit and Excellence.

I've gotten all Excellence's since the beginning of High School. I suppose I was bound to get a Merit eventually, but I didn't realise it would be so soon.

"Thanks for letting me know."

"Would you like to do a re-submission?"


"You've never had to do one before have you?"


"Basically you have an opportunity to better your work before submitting it again in the hopes of getting a better grade."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"I was hoping you would say that. I'll email you tonight to let you know what you need to do for an Excellence."

"Thank you so much sir."

"No problem."

When I walk out of the classroom I feel... weird. For the longest time I've been terrified or getting anything less than an Excellence but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I have the ability to get a better grade, but I think I'm better prepared for when that option isn't available.

I make my way over to the picnic tables as usual. I take my seat next to Guy and everyone goes silent, something is up.

Amelia stares me down, "James."

"Yes Amelia?"

"Do you remember when Mason and I started dating?"

Why is she asking me this?

"Yeah, I remember that."

"James, your friend is here!" called out my mum.


I put down my maths book and rushed to the front door. I saw Amelia standing there with the biggest smile on her face.

"What's up?" I asked.

Amelia looked over at my mum, "Uh, can we go somewhere a bit more private?"

"Sure, let's go for a walk."

I put on my shoes and we headed out the door. 

As soon as we were outside Amelia started blurting, "Mason asked me out."

Amelia and Mason had been dancing around their feelings for each other for a while. Amelia would always talk to me about it, and Guy had told me that Mason confided in him.

"Did you say yes?" I asked.

"I haven't given him an answer yet. I'm not sure what to do. What do you think?"

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