Chapter Eighteen - James

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Guy and I walk along the footpath outside the school, Tessa and Lola following close behind us. Cars are flooding into the parking lot to drop off students in formal wear.

Tonight is our school ball. The holidays flew by fast, and now it's Friday of the first week of term three. Guy has been waiting for news from the Summit Institute, but has heard nothing so far.

Tessa thought it would be a good idea to distract him, so she suggested we all come tonight. Ava couldn't make it due to a family dinner... somehow I wonder if she's telling the truth.

Tessa told me that she wishes she had a date for tonight. I don't see how she doesn't, everyone knows what a kind person she is, yet they never approach her. 

I think Ava wishes she had a date too. She seems to be handling the situation with Amelia pretty well, but not everything is always as it seems. I hope she's doing okay.

I'm so lucky to have Guy. I remember when I used to stay home from school events because I didn't have a date. Back then I was so deep in the closet I wasn't sure if I'd ever come out, but look at me now.

He's right, I've come so far this year. I've grown so much as a person, and I'm glad. I'm not sure if I would have been able to do any of it without him by my side. He's so amazing, even if he does drive me crazy sometimes.

It took forever to convince him to wear a suit tonight. I wasn't going to let him wear skinny jeans, however as a part of a compromise he's still wearing sneakers and somehow I am too.

"You'll thank me later," he says.


"You were looking at your shoes... well my shoes."

I've been borrowing his clothes a lot lately, and he doesn't mind one bit.

"Oh, yeah," I reply.

"Trust me, they are way more comfortable than dress shoes, and heels," he says, glancing back at Lola.

She's wearing heels so high that she can barely walk in them, they are hardly good for her health. I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen.

Lola glares at Guy, "What? You know the saying, dress to impress."

"You know you could just stop conforming to society's standards."

I have to hold back laughter. I know for a fact that he learnt that in English class.

"I might not be wearing sneakers but I am walking in, everyone else is showing off their fancy cars."

"And who's idea was that?"

Guy has a massive grin on his face now. I give him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Smugness isn't a good look on you," I say.

"Sorry," he mumbles, his face turning bright red.

"What's up with you lately?" Lola asks him.

"I don't know, I'm kinda all over the place."

I have noticed he's been acting kind of odd, but I don't have to ask why. I know why.

I slip my hand into his, "Just chill out, tonight's going to be fun. I'm sure you'll forget all about it."

He flashes me a small smile, "Yeah."

We make our way to the door and I'm happy to see Mr Richards is here to check for tickets. He made sure to help me get an Excellence on that internal I was struggling with, and since then we've been working on exam material. I love his class so much, he's such a great teacher.

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