Chapter Nineteen - Guy

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"So, what did Mr Smith say?"

It's 11:30, the ball just ended and James and I are siting on the library steps waiting for Spencer to pick us up. It was an incredible night, I'm so glad we came here.

I never really went to school events. It's not that I didn't have anyone to go with, I just never felt like it. I would always stay home with James. To be honest I would rather be anywhere if James was there, that hasn't changed.

I was hoping that James would forget about my talk with Mr Smith, but I should have known that he would interrogate me. I can't blame him, I would want to know too.

"Oh yeah, that," I mumble.

"Come on, quit stalling."

I look down at my hands and let out a deep breath, "I got in."

"That's amazing! Why do you say it like it's bad news?"

"Babe, you know if I go that means I have to say goodbye to this place."

"I know, I guess I try not to think about it."

"You know... I don't have to go."

I look up to see that he's looking at me like I'm crazy.

"You're going."

"What if I can't handle it? What if..."

James cuts me off by kissing me.

"Don't worry about the what ifs. Everything will be fine, we'll work it out together. Like we always do, right?"



It's been months now, but I still haven't gotten used to the idea of actually leaving. I don't think James has either. It's the holidays again and it seems like he's avoiding me at all costs. I wish I could spend more time with him.

He told me he's been studying but I don't buy it. Surely he's spending some of his time studying, but I doubt he needs all that time for it. I don't think I've seen him at all this week, we used to see each other every other day. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I can't help but be concerned.

Tessa says that I'm under a lot of stress and that I need to 'report to her house immediately for a therapy session,' whatever that means.

When I approach the front door I prepare myself to knock when the door swings open. Tessa is standing there wearing glasses. Why is she wearing glasses?

"You're late," she says, turning to walk into the house.

I follow her inside, "Late? You said immediately, how can I be late when you didn't give me a time?"

"I'm sure you could have been faster than that."

"I was messaging my father."

"How is that going?"

"I'm lucky to get a message from him once a week. He doesn't seem that interested in talking to me honestly."

"He's probably a busy man. I'm sure he loves talking to his darling son."

I thought she was acting strange before, but I've never seen her like this. Maybe Tessa needs me to give her a therapy session.

"Would you like some water before we start?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Sure."

I take a seat on the couch. I'm pretty nervous about all of this, I have no idea what's going on. Tessa walks back to me and hands me the glass of water.

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