Extraordinary Answers Of Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen

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Questioner: Shaikh, my question is: About the young lady who has not reached adulthood, what is the ruling with regards to the following three situations: covering the face outside the house? And wearing pants in any form, situation, or reason? And the khimar in the Salah?

Answer: This man is intelligent. He combined three questions in one, may Allah forgive us and him….


Questioner: Is it allowed for a man to be with his female servant, and what can see of her?

Answer: If he marries her, then she can uncover her face in front of him, and this is the solution…. But I am afraid that if she becomes his wife, she will demand a female servant, and then this will be a problem!


Questioner: Is it allowed for me to buy a rooster so that when it crows, I ask Allah of His bounty?

Answer: I don’t know about this! It’s ordained for a person that when he hears the crowing of a rooster that he ask Allah of His bounty, but I am afraid that your rooster will be silent! Alhamdulillah, you ask Allah for His bounty if you hear the rooster or not! Ask of His bounty always.

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