chapter 5

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"Alright guys, I'll be going now." Cancer appeared out of the kitchen, putting her ring back on the finger after what seemed like doing dishes.

"You should stay longer, sissy," gem perked up," or should I say you are staying here tonight." Her command was full of adoration for cancer.

I wondered what could have brought both of them so closer. Although I know gem is a chatty person and ends up making friends wherever she goes being an extrovert but cancer seems to be the person who won't get too close to someone.

I looked at her intently who had gem engulfed in a hug, smiling contently at gem," sorry, can't stay tonight but promise you next time I'm gonna seal the deal."

"So how're you gonna go back home?" Capricorn asked her and it reminded me of her messed up car.

"I'll just take a taxi or something, nothing to worry about."

Capricorn shook his head as he shifted towards a drawer and pulled out a key,"come on, I'm giving you a ride." He announced standing up to his feet.

I sprung up from my seat," I think i can drop her on the way back home. I was going to leave soon anyway." I nodded at capricorn who patted my back giving me a genuine smile.

"Nah man, you stay here and spend some more time. I'll be back in a few." He informed.

"No, really, it's been pleasure spending time with y'all,guys," i said acknowledging gem who also got up," you ready?" I questioned cancer who was just standing silently looking at our exchange.

I could tell my question suddenly alerted her as she opened her mouth to answer but looked at capricorn then gem. What is she thinking?

"No, I mean I can go on my own. But thanks for offering."


"Hey, don't be crazy,"gem looked at her bewildered as if cancer had grown two devil horns,"he is gonna drop you off safely," she told her and turned towards me,"right aries!"

I nodded back at her knowing look.

"Bu-" before cancer could protest further, gem shushed her.

Why is this girl being so hesitant?

Does she not like to go with me or something?

If there was this taurus in my place right now, she might had been quite happy to ride along!

I huffed internally in annoyance.
It's not like I'm a free man that goes on offering others' ride on a daily basis.

I can pretty much leave her here and go back home and she could walk back on the streets for all I care.

After bidding goodbyes, I stopped at the passenger side and opened the door. I looked back to see if she is following me and found her taking slow steps as if planning to run away any moment.

My nostrils flared at her attitude.

"Listen here," I completely turned my body towards her and she stopped abruptly with hesitant look," I haven't got all night here. So you better hurry your pretty little ass over here so that I can drive off."

Her lips parted as if insulted by my comment.

Why is she even insulted after giving me a hard time, she should have seen it coming.

"You can leave, I'll just stop some taxi and go back home." Her low voice held offense and I shifted on my feet rolling my eyes.

I decided not to stretch out the conversation cause I really wasn't in a mood of begging her to ride with me. So I just decided to stand there until she finally gives up and enters the car.

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