chapter 15

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"Does it need more washing?" She called out to me from behind. I turned around to see her massaging some dried blood out of chicken pieces awkwardly with creased brows and an adorable pout that was solely focused on the task in hand.

For a moment I just stilled and just looked at her. Her navy blue shirt hidden under my black jacket sent strange feeling to my soul. Her name under mine. Only if I were covering her this way in place of my jacket.

"Um," I saw her now looking at me in wait. I jerked my head a little to clear my vision and Vince's inwardly to still find her completely focused on me. How long had she been looking at me in this state of mine.

Surely she thinks I'm some creep now.

Great you boy, just great!

Satisfied at the amount of scolding I've put myself through, I arched my back towards her bowl acting as if I was analyzing her job while in reality my heart was pleading for some time to slow down to its normal pace after getting caught red handed.

"I think, this will do." I nodded and pushed the bowl containing mixture of spices. She came over, taking her seat beside me and I took chicken bowl from her placing it on my lap.

"Now we will marinate these chicken pieces with spices nice and smooth." I informed her in sing songs manner and adjusted both bowl in my lap.

She shifted closer," i-uh i think I'll  do that. Lemme take it." Before I could stop, she had already been trying her best to adjust both the bowl on her lap but failing miserably.

The size of her small lap brought smile on my face. Upon sensing it, her head flew upwards as her stare dug inside my cheeks and I was quick to recover my smile with a poker face within no time.

I scraped my chair closer to her, avoiding the sudden pause of her hands and alertness of her posture. Once close and in front, I took one bowl, that was angled in her lap in awkward position and placed it back on mine gesturing her to start over.

She picked up one piece of chicken but before she could bring that forth, it slipped out of her hand. Another attempt ended in vain leaving her thoughtful over the matter.

I finally decided to break out of my robotic state and bent a little holding her right hand in mine.

"W-what are you-"

Not paying any heed to her, I slipped my jacket up to her elbow and then began to fold the sleeve of her navy blue shirt. Her first confused but then slowly transforming into sensual gaze washed over me with power and I could practically feel the Goosebumps rising at the places where her gaze just traveled.

Once tucked back nicely, I turned to her other arm and did the same thing before leaning back on my chair and waiting patiently for her to start marinating the chicken pieces.

My eyes followed my handiwork at her sleeves that in result revealed her creamy and what felt like soft skin to my naked eyes. My gaze traveled down to her slightly shaking hands and then her slender fingers that picked up chicken leg without letting it slip away this time.

My body was as static as a wooden plank when she leaned towards me and dipped the chicken leg in the bowl of spices. She dipped couple of times nervously and I felt like she needed reassurance at her work.

I caged her fingers with mine and another shock of electricity mixed with soft feeling of tranquility washed over me. With the passing time, It was getting harder and harder to control this unknown urge that had been building up inside me for so long.

A silent gasp from her confirmed the mutual feelings and sense of relief washed over me to know that I wasn't the only one going crazy in this situation. Atleast she won't think im some kinda psycho if my cryptic actions went to extreme, which I pray to the heavens that they don't.

My fingers guided hers as I swiftly rolled the piece over the spices until entire piece was covered with them. Two more tries took her to perfect it and soon she had been doing it perfectly while my eyes just kept following the back and forth movement of her fingers from one bowl to another.

I got up, after instructing her how to dry the water up from the chicken by placing them in pan over the small stove that I brought along with me and started igniting the coal in some distance to keep her away from the harsh smoke.

"How do you plan on cooking this chicken?" Her voiced dripped with curiosity as she asked me while keeping her eyes on slowly tendering chicken.

"It's called chicken Tikka that my mom taught me." I told her with the tone of admiration, recalling my mom Venus and how she used to teach me about these strange recipes that she had the habit of collecting from different cultures.

"What is that exactly?" I looked at her to find her watching me intently.

"It's an Indian style recipe that I grew fond of since the day I tried it for the first time."

"So this is your favourite dish that you decided to prepare tonight?" Their was something behind her soft whisper that reflected her genuine adoration, leaving me strangely ecstatic. For some reason my heart fluttered in joy, realizing she liked my effort and choice of dish.

"Last time I tried this dish was when Mom was alive and I prepared it for her and ate together in that cold wonder night." For some unknown reason, i admitted my truth to her.

I don't know why I decided to try it this evening but my heart just pushed me to fall on my knees in front of it's desire. I felt oddly satisfied. I didn't feel the raw emotions that always haunted me with the nightmare of my mom's death after enjoying our meal on that wintry night.

The autumn season always brings those Painful feelings back to me whenever i come here and try to find solace in solitude. It feels like somehow mom stole away all the joy that we both shared during cherished moments such as this. I never felt that Bliss anymore whenever I attempted to do all those things alone that me and Mom used to do together.

There was no more colour in the universe that used to me a rainbow at one point.

But today, it felt different. I felt like I could pour down my feelings in front of her and still not be wary of spilling my beans. Something inside me already trusted her to not object against inviting her inside my dark world.

I felt like my lonely wandering spirit crawled out of its own darkness and was slowly and cautiously mingling with the delightful colors of this universe once again.

I was connecting back to this universe to whom I once parted so painfully. I felt my wounds healing.

I felt alive once again.


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