chapter 11

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"What?" I ask huffing as a wave of irritation passed over me hundredth time. I turn around painfully slow as if it would solve everything if I delayed my reaction.

I see her halted in her steps at the middle of the middle of the road supporting a bewildered expression on her face,"i-is it gonna be just the two of us?"

She pushed the word 'two' out as if she was expecting a royal band to come along in honor.

Of course dude!

"We're you expecting someone else?" My tight voice might have expressed my irritation because she just shook her head and headed towards my SUV without another word. Thank goodness!

Almost entire two hours' ride was spent in me chewing gum with her slumped comfortably in her sleep in half asleep and half awake state under the influence of music that was blaring through the stereo.

I stole a glance at her and found her hovering over the window seal with her head stuck out, getting caressed with cold wind. The way she was resting her chin on her forearms, unmoving, I had a half doubt that she was sleeping.

Suddenly she pulled back and I jerked away from her towards the road. I don't know why I was holding my breath keeping my body in a robotic state as if she was a cop and I would get caught stealing something precious. When no reaction came, I knew I successfully dodged getting caught in my creepy stalking state.

An annoyed groan filled the car and giving in to my curiosity, I risked another glance at her quite awkwardly might I add and found her scrunching up her nose.

Not really thinking much of it, I refocused at the road but I saw her flicking the tip of her nose. Heaving a sigh I finally looked at her properly to see her nose again in a strange way. It looked like she was trying to jerk the tip of her nose up to feel something, probably the bone!

I jerked the insane thoughts out of my head before my mind could stoop to the level where I would be officially called crazy.
She seemed completely unaware of my attention on her because guess what, she was too busy in doing--whatever the hell she was doing.

"What's wrong with you!" At this point, I was damn sure that whenever I would address her, my voice would always be laced with irritation because God, she was hella annoying and confusing to say the least. She didn't make any sense to me ever.

Finally noticing that I was also inside the same vehicle as her, she stopped her weird activity and her face visibly turned tomato red.


Was there ever a time when I had talked to her and she didn't blush!

she kept picking at her red coloured slacks, which she was wearing along with light blue striped shirt that had a red flower at the left side with a green stem and leaves. I actually was impressed by the choice of her contrast and the way dress fit her properly. Not lose but not too tight either Probably two fingers could be inserted inside her shirt and slacks.

Wait, what the fuck am I even saying!

When no response came from her I held her chin in my fingers and lifted it up, eventually catching her gaze and raised an eyebrow at her in indication of prolonged wait.

She parted her lips and my eyes flickered towards them, noticing her red lipstick for the first time. It was satin lipstick which oddly suited her lips just right.

My fingers felt the slight brush of warm air as she exhaled, breaking my train of thoughts and I quickly averted my gaze. I blinked at the realization of how I had just been staring at her lips for no reason.

"I think Im going to have a flu." Her soft voice soothed the static noise inside my earbuds, completely dominating over the loud music.

But what did she just say?

"What?" I asked rather confused, doubting that I might have heard her wrong.

She lowered her head to avoid my occasional stares her way that I casted once in a while and I almost reached out again to make her look back at me.

Why does she not look at me the way I do?

I don't like the way she steals her eyes away from me when I have every right to look inside them. She has no right to hide from me.

Yeah, absolutely not.

As if hearing my heart's plea, she looked back at me and rubbed her nose a bit,"the weather her is chilly and I think I might get flue or something."

"Or something?" My mind instantly alarmed at the idea of her getting cold or worse getting pneumonia.

Okay, I might have exaggerated a little bit out there but seriously, why I didn't think of any of such probabilities.

But the way she had been sticking her head out, ready to practically jump out the window, what could you expect!

Few strands of hair flew stubbornly over her face when the chilly air swooshes around them intentionally and she shut her eyes when a rebellious strand  tried to pry inside her eye.

Without even thinking, I lunged forward and grabbed the rebellious strand somewhat panicking as if it would work as a dagger inside her soft eyes and pushed it back but my fingers halted Midway when her brown irises opened up and I saw myself in dilating pupils.

Is it just my brain playing tricks on me or I'm actually feeling myself getting drowned inside a strong pull that's calling out to me in alien waves and I'm oddly comfortable with it. I don't fear of drowning inside it.

I'm not making any sense to myself. I feel like my head is on haywire and I'm constantly unstoppably rolling, constanly twisting and turning by the intensity of it.

Not breaking the eye contact, my fingers made there way towards her ear, directing the hair strands while caressing the skin of her face against finger tips. The electricity that I felt was enough to shoot firecrackers inside my pulsating heart.

I jolted back into senses as a horn blared somewhere in the distance and a gasp escaped her lips as i straightened up in my seat, realizing that I was driving on the road. Thankfully the road, being in a hilly area didn't have any traffic other than couple of vehicles here and there or else I could have doomed the both of our lives in no time.

I cursed at my lack of responsibility, looking back at the car behind us, in the rear view mirror and giving the driving a thumbs up for practically waking me up in that situation.

Thinking of the situation, I felt tingling all over my body and cleared by throat in hopes of sobering up. I didn't dare to look her way again for the rest of fifteen minutes, hoping to get this ride over with with our bones still intact.

Man, I'm in some deep shit!


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