Four- Overstepping Boundaries

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"Don't let me go"

Those words haunt me every single time in my dreams. I couldn't sleep anymore. All I thought of was her every single day and night. Was she messing with my head? I don't know who to trust anymore.

I suddenly sat up from the bed when I sensed some movement coming close to me. She quietly closed my door and I sat straight trying not to get angry. She turned around and let out a small scream when she saw me wide awake and staring at her.

"It is highly inappropriate to be in my chambers" I bark.

"Your majesty, I just wanted to make sure that you were well satisfied" She says in a seductive manner as she unbutton her dress.

Before she could finish, I was standing in front of her with my hands wrapped tightly around her neck choking her so she couldn't breathe.

"Who sent you?" I growled.

"Your...uncle" She told me struggling to breathe.

"Get out of my sight, Ayanna" I spat in disgust letting go of her.

She scurried out of my chambers and I let out a roar of frustration. My uncle was overstepping his boundaries now. This will be dealt with during breakfast. I lay back in bed trying to get a few hours of sleep.

"Don't let me go"

Morowa. I try so hard not to think about her but the harder I try, the more the thought of her invades my mind.

"Why did you let me go, Dmitri?" She asked.

I reached to touch her face but instead, I woke up from my sleep. I had to get ready for breakfast and the whole time, I thought of when I would spend the night with her at the cabin. One time, we spent two whole days there and my mom was pissed because she thought something bad happened to me.

I walked into the dinning area of the palace. I was really not in the mood to talk to anyone. I spotted my mother consoling the girl who came into my chambers, Ayanna. She was crying hysterically in my mom's arms.

"I only did what Mr. Abel told me to do. He said the King liked me" Ayanna sobs as she tried to explain things to my mother.

I'm not in the mood for dramatics and my mother is way too nice to people. I was drawn to Morowa because she would never agree to sleep with someone for status. She also didn't care what anyone thought of her, she did what she pleased. Crying to my mother would not get on my good side instead, it made me angrier.

"Your majesty" one of the noblemen noticed me and suddenly everyone gave me their undivided attention.

I saw Ayanna hiding behind my mother with embarrassment as she wiped her tears. I chose to ignore her and sat at the table quietly eating breakfast while the people around me were talking about the politics of the witches.

After breakfast, I stormed out of the room trying to avoid my mother, but it was no use. She popped up out of nowhere right next to me as I stood at my balcony looking down at the kingdom.

"Where is uncle, Abel?" I asked.

"He's somewhere in this palace roaming around. You know how he is" She replied.

"He's really overstepping his boundaries" I growled.

"What's going on dear?" my mom asked. "I know it's been very hard after the death"

"Nothing" I mutter.

"That girl never meant any harm. She thought you liked her and maybe you should give her a chance" She suggest.

"She's not my mate" I respond bitterly.

My uncle decided to finally show himself. He bowed when he came into my presence but I growled in displeasure.

"Why are you sending whores into my room?" I bark.

"I apologize. I only meant for it to benefit you after what happened with your mate" Abel says.

He knew I didn't want that topic to be brought up but he still brought it up in front of my mother and now I won't hear the end of it.

"Mate?" my mom asked.

"Yes, his mate is a witch who could be responsible for the late King's death" Abel explained.

His whole existence was starting to irritate me. I wanted to rip him apart but instead I pushed past him and went away to my chambers with my mom calling after me. I truly had no one anymore. My mate. I didn't have one anymore. I still remember the look on her face when I accused her of betraying me. Did I do the right thing?

I missed all the times we spent together and the taste of her blood. I'm all alone now and I haven't been able to feed from any non-vampire. I can survive a long time without blood since I'm a royal but I should feed soon. It just won't taste the same.

I walked around the maze in the huge garden when I sensed my uncle near by. I always hide my scent every time I leave to clear my mind so I can't be spotted. He stood next to one of the noble men in the court and also the second command in charge of security in this castle.

They were trying to be discreet and talking slowly. I was able to use my heighten senses to hear their conversation.

"The meeting has been pushed to midnight" He mutter.

"Yes Lord Abel. Have faith in the Shadow and everything will fit in place" the nobleman says.

Once they left, I turned around to leave to my chambers. Something weird was going on in this palace and I was going to find out what.

"I'm your mate and I will forever be your mate. Don't let it be too late for you to realized that some of your people are playing with you"

Those last words from her rang loudly in my mind. Could she be right?

I entered my chambers and encountered a creepy looking man with pale brown skin. His eyes were deep red which had no life in it. Once you looked into his eyes, he felt like death and it felt like he was draining all the happiness from your life.

No one was allowed to enter my chambers. How come the guards didn't see him? He tried to attack me but with one punch, I knocked him onto the ground. He coughed and his blood was a deep black color. I've never seen anything like this before.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"The Shadow is always watching. The Shadow is here. The Shadow will rise again" he chants.

I killed him instantly not wanting to risk anything. I didn't know how he was able to enter this palace but someone will answer to this. The guards entered my room but they were no use.

"Dispose the body quietly. If the people find out that the security of our kingdom has been compromised, there will be chaos" I order.

"Yes, your majesty" they respond and carried the lifeless creature away.

That nobleman from earlier mentioned the same word, Shadow. Then this weird creature then tried to kill me.

I felt as if I wasn't in control of my own palace anymore. There were people close to me hiding things from me.

"Don't let it be too late for you to realized that some of your people are playing with you"

Could she have known about this? I will find out what my uncle is up to and I have to find out what this creature is for the sake of my kingdom. Who could I trust? Does my mom know about this Shadow.

I will have order in my kingdom but right now all of this was so confusing. All I know is I needed to get out of this palace right now to formulate my plan.

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