Chapter Thirty Five

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Sherlock Holmes was unequivocally happy. Escaping an inevitable death had shone a light on his affinity to London and everything that resided there. He was smiling, tweeting, finding joy and excitement in even the most basic cases that came to his door. He was revitalised; exuberating life in a way he never had before.

In 221B, John sat at the table typing up his latest blog post while Mary wandered the flat cradling her large stomach. Sherlock stabbed his knife into a large pile of letters on the mantelpiece.

"If this gets any better, I'm going to get two knives," he said as he sat in his armchair.

Vaughan climbed up onto his father's knee. Sherlock tickled him playfully.

John smiled. "It pays to advertise."

"So, what about Moriarty, then?" asked Mary.

"Oh, I have a plan. I'm going to monitor the underworld – every quiver of the web will tell me when the spider makes his move," said Sherlock as he typed out another tweet on his phone.

John stopped typing and turned to his friend. "Basically, your plan is just to sit there solving crimes like you always do..."

Sherlock grinned. "Awesome, isn't it!?"

He jumped up from his chair and flung his son over his shoulder as he walked to the mantelpiece and ripped a letter from the pile. The toddler squealed and giggled as he kicked his legs and swung his arms.

"Shall we go on a case?" asked Sherlock.

"Yes!" Vaughan shouted.


Margaux smoothed down her hair and straightened her blouse as she stood with her back against the wall. She fiddled with her I.D card, clipping and unclipping it to her trousers nervously while she waited.

Greg Lestrade turned the corner and hurried down the corridor towards her.

"Sorry, Margaux. Shall we?" he gestured to the door behind her.

She nodded and followed him. The meeting room was bursting with people; from uniformed officers to suited detectives. Their eyes trailed her as she made her way to a free chair.

"Okay everyone, thank you for being here. Sorry I'm a little bit late, we've just had a case called in so I'm going to make this quick," said Greg. "Right, before we get started with today's briefing, I wanted to introduce you to the shiny new member of the force, Dr Cave. She'll be working as part of our Scientific Intelligence Unit." He gestured to her. "Margaux, you want to tell them about yourself?"

"Sure," she nodded. "Er, hi, everyone. Yeah, my name's Margaux. I'm sure a lot of you may recognise me as I was a forensic investigator for many years. I assisted on a lot of cases for you guys here – which is basically what I'll be doing now except Scotland Yard's signing my pay checks instead." Everyone chuckled. She relaxed slightly as she continued. "So, a little about me: erm, I have a PhD in forensic psychology, went straight into working as an FI after Uni. I took some time away from that for a couple of years and did some teaching at the University of London, until my most recent work for MI5... which I can't discuss," she smiled, clasping her hands together on the table in front of her.

"That means it was actually MI6," said one of the officers.

The room mumbled with laughter.

"I can neither confirm nor deny," she said plainly, causing the room to silence – no one quite knowing if she was joking or not.

Lestrade completed the briefing and dismissed everyone, catching Margaux before she left the room.

"Fancy coming to a crime scene?" he asked.

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