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Eric's POV

It was so bright, it had the same glow that a cat's eyes would have given off in the dark. I was frozen on the spot.

"Get the lights," Amy shouted as she grip max arm even tighter.

Richard push Ericka's hands away as he bolted up and ran towards the light switch. The creature let out a small growl before the room suddenly lit up with light.

"What the hell is that Jessica!" Scarlett shouted before jumping to her feet.

I looked over at Jessi who was now in a rage of panic. She was mumbling to herself while biting on her nails.

"There's a logical explanation for this," Tim began, " it could have just been a cat," he spoke but, none of us pay any attention to his statement.

"A cat can't be so freaking big," Ericka exclaimed.

"Stop it!" Jessi finally managed to speak,"maybe I'm dreaming again, my dreams are always so realistic, this could all just be the meds I took earlier." She mumbled.

We were all so scared out of our minds, can we really believe that Jessi is being haunted, not only that but, by the devil himself. I frankly didn't know what to believe, I mean we only saw a giant size pair of cat eyes looking at us.

"Everyone just calm down," max spoke softly. "I know this is a lot to process but, we can't actually believe that Jessi is being haunted, we could all just be seeing things.

"How the hell are we all seeing the same damn thing!" Ericka shouted.

This was all just too much to process, my mind was overflowing with explanation but, none of them made sense to what that thing was.

"Do you feel that?" Jessi asked as she walked over to me.

"Feel what?" Amy asked nervously.

"The room is freezing," she answered.

No one else was feeling this coldness that Jess was talking about. We were all still warm.

"No jess we're not cold," Tim answered. We looked at her with concern in our eyes.

"Let's get you home Jess," I spoke before taking her hands into mind.

"Holy shit!" I shouted as soon as Jessi hands came in contact with mine. They were freezing, it was as if the blood in her body had somehow turned to ice.

"We of to get her to an hospital," I spoke as Richard ran ahead of me and open the door. Ericka was the only one of us with a car and a drivers license so she ran behind Richard to go get the car started.

I then took Jessi hands and threw them over my shoulders before pulling her onto my back. We all rushed down the stairs and out the front door. Ericka and Richard were both waiting on us in the car. Tim helped as I placed Jessi inside then we all hopped in.

It was a thirty minutes drive to the hospital, max and I lifted Jessi onto our shoulders and took her inside. she was still mumbling to herself while her head kept moving back and forth.

"What's wrong with Jessi," Scarlett asked worriedly. We all shook our heads because we had no idea what was going on.

"We need help," Richard called out and soon there were nurses running towards us with a wheelchair. We placed Jessi on it then they rushed her inside.

"Fuck, this was supposed to be her welcome home party and now she's back in a freaking hospital," I spoke, hitting the wall with my knuckle. It made a loud crick sound which caused Tim to grab a hold of me.

"Chill dude, Jessi is just going through a little phase, we're all fucking concerned too bro so, please don't go putting yourself in here with her." Max spoke.

We were about to go to the waiting area when we heard Jessi screaming, it was so loud and deafening that we stopped and ran back towards the room they had taken her.

I pushed the door open and we ran inside to see them pinning Jessi to a bed, her eyes were closed but, she was still screaming and kicking as if someone or something was trying to get her.

"Restrain her!" One of nurses shouted as she tried to pin Jess to the bed. Suddenly Jessi let out another loud scream before her body stopped moving.

"Get the doctor and get those kids out of here," one of the nurses told another. She then ushered us outside.

"Your friend will be okay, just wait outside," she told us before walking away.

"We can't just stand here and do nothing," Amy spoke and Tim shock his head. We were about to walk away when Jessica's voice echoed into our ears. Looking behind we saw her walking towards us.

"What I'm I doing here?" She asked confusingly. It was as if she didn't remember anything.

"Guys!" She yelled." Can you believe those nurses are saying that we pulled a prank on them, I don't even know how I got from Amy's house to the hospital." She spoke. We were all just looking at her, I'm sure we were all thinking the same thing.

"How are you feeling Jessi?" I asked as  I walked towards her.

"Huh guys, you're all scaring me, I just woke up from a horrifying nightmare, then I found myself being strapped to a hospital bed and now you guys are all looking at me worriedly. Is there something I should know?" She asked.

"Let's just go home and forget about tonight," max spoke before grabbing on to Amy's hand.

"Yeah, let's do that," Ericka also agreed.

We exited the hospital and got in Ericka's car without uttering a word to each other.

Ericka drove everyone home, we were all still a bit shaken up. All of this was a complete mystery and we wish we could just forget it. We drop Jessi at her house and said our goodbyes, then Ericka dropped me off at my house.

I was tired and worried at the time, walking lazily to the front door, I placed my hands on it and saw that it was open, without wasting anytime I ran inside and hit the light switch to see that all my furniture's were turned upside down and the house was trashed.

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