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Richard's POV

The rest of the night was silent, no one uttered a single word to each other. I don't think any of us slept until the bright rays of the sun illuminated the room indicating that it was morning.

I sat up wiping my eyes while looking around the room. The spot where Scarlett was sleeping was still there covered in blood, I felt sick to my stomach every time I looked over there.

"Are you up," a sleepy voice spoke from beside me.

I looked over to see Ericka holding on to her blanket while looking up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"Yes and I don't think I want to be here right now," I answered.

Ericka sat up before yarning. "I feel the same, we can't call the police because we don't even know what happened and no one would believe that there's something supernatural going on here," she spoke as her face formed into a frown.

"Stop it babe, I don't really think there's something supernatural going on, everything has a logical reasoning behind it." I snapped at her causing everyone to jump up from their respectable sleeping area.

"What's going on," Tim spoke as he sat up and fixed his glasses.

I stared at him before standing up. " It's nothing I have something really important to take care of so I of to get going and I'll stop by Scarlett's house to see if she's there by any chance. After saying that I didn't wait for anyone to reply. I quickly grabbed Ericka from the floor and pulled her through the door and down the stairs.

"Why are you dragging me," she yelled before pulling her hands away. "And what's this about checking if Scarlett is at her house, are you insane Richard," she yelled but I pretended not to listen.

" Can you please just take me to my place," I mumbled before she sigh and gave in.

"Fine let's go," she replied.

We got outside and entered the car, it almost felt as if we were being watched by something but I shook it off as Ericka pulled out of the drive way. As we were driving away noticed a little girl dressed in red standing in front of the door. Chills crept down my spine.

It was about a minute drive to my place, Ericka dropped me off then went to her place. I slowly walked up to my door before opening it and walking inside. The place was silent, too silent. I walked up the stairs to my room which was in complete darkness.

"Mom I'm home," I shouted but didn't get an reply.

I shrugged it off before falling into my bed, I was tired and stressed out. Where could Scarlett had gone. I don't know what's happening right now I just feel so lost.

I was about to get up when I heard as if someone was walking up the stairs to my room.

"Mom!" I yelled but, no one answered. Just then my phone rang, Scarlett's callers ID pop up on the screen.

I quickly answered without wasting any time. " Hello Scarlett where are you?" I asked in a concern tone.

The line went dead for a moment before she finally answered. " I had to go home last night, I wasn't feeling too well so I decided to come home. You guys were sleeping and I didn't want to wake anyone. She said in a wired tone.

"What about the blood in your sleeping bag," I asked curiously.

"I just had my period, it's no big deal," she replied with a chuckle before hanging up.

I felt a bit curious about her behaviour, Scarlett is a more cheerful person I thought to myself before quickly existing my room. She lived about two blocks away from me so I had no problem getting to her house.

I ran up and knocked at the door. It took a minute before the door slowly creek open.

Without a second to think I stepped inside where I was met with complete darkness.

"Scarlett," I shouted as I noticed something move behind me. I turned but there was no one there.

"Richard," I sinister voice boomed into my ears. I grabbed out my phone and turn on the light which illuminated the room before also dialing Eric's number.

"Hello," he answered in a rough tone " what do you want Richard."he asked.

"Listen to me Eric I'm at Scarlett's place and she's okay, the problem is she's not acting like herself she's-" the line suddenly when dead.

"That's not a good thing to say about the girl you once cheated with now is it," another voice whispered into my ears. I quickly turned around to see Scarlett, she was wearing a black dress and her hair hanged down into her face.

"You know that was just a drunken mistake," I yelled at her which caused her to slowly look up at me.

I gasp as her face came into contact with the lights. She was covered in blood even her mouth was dripping crimson and her skin was as pale as a dead person.

"You're being awfully mean," she said as she moved closer to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and licking my left ear.

" Want to know something Richard," she said as a sharp pain entered my spine.

I fell to the floor as my vision got blurry. I could see Scarlett looking down at me. The pain was extreme.

"You'll soon be with me," she spoke before I felt her sharp teeths sinking into my flesh and ripping it apart.

I was in overwhelming pain, it was unbearable all I could think about at the moment was Ericka before everything went silent and dark.

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