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The streets were empty there wasn't a single person in sight. Jessica was amazed at the sight that faced her.

"What's going on here?" she grumbled to herself as she walked down the street.

The city no longer had that cheerful feature, it was now a dead ghost town. There were so many questions that ran in and out of Jessica's mind, she questioned herself trying to figure out what went wrong.

The day was now turning to night and she had to find some light before things got worst. She hurried down the street towards her house which she found boarded up. It was as if no one lived there anymore.

"This isn't real, this isn't real, this can't be real," she mumbled before walking up to the door and pulling the boards from it. It took a couple minutes but she finally made it inside. In shock she looked at the dusty old abandoned house filled to the brim with cobwebs and rust.

"Jessi," a soft but cold voice whispered her name sending chills down her spine. Jessica turned around but, there was no one there. She remembered her friends and cruel faith that she had left them in so she ran out the door and down the street.

It was around six when she got to her destination. The town was slowly becoming dark as night drew near.

Jessica's pov

I stood in front of Eric's house questioning whether to just knock or go away when the door suddenly creeks open. I peeked my head inside to see if it was the same as my house but, I was met by two pairs of eyes peeking back at me.

"Who's there!" a familiar voice shouted nervously.

I slowly pushed the rest of my body through the door. "It's me, Jess," I answered as tears bundled up inside my eyes making them cloudy.

Eric face lit up as he rushed towards me." No it can't be you, the Jess I know and love died a month ago," he said looking into my eyes.

I felt confused why would he think I was dead. And why is the so silent and empty. All those thoughts race through my mind as I stared at Eric.

" Let's go upstairs," he spoke before yanking me up to his room. I stepped inside to see Amy, Max, Ericka and Tim sitting in his room, they were all doing their own thing until they noticed me.

Ericka was the first to quickly hop to her feet and run over to me. " Oh my god Jess, where have you been? We thought you had died," she cried clinging onto my hoodies sleeves.

" I had to get away," I spoke trying to calm her down. " And why does everyone think I'm dead?" I questioned as everyone stared at me in disbelief.

Tim sprang to his feet before lighting a candle and placing it beside the closed window he then proceeded to adjust his glasses. " Jess they found your body in the bushes near the lake in the woods, your mom told us that you were robbed and stabbed to death. It was around the same time Richard went missing," he explained.

"What! I'm not dead I had to leave town to save you guys, I couldn't risk putting anyone else in danger." I told them.

Max got up and look at me before also looking at Amy who was still shock by the fact that I was alive. He looked as confused as everyone else standing in the room including myself.

" You really didn't know did you?" Ericka asked looking up at me.

"Know about what," I answered curiously.

She went silent for a moment before answering my question. " The day your mom got news about your death she went crazy she stopped eating and she didn't sleep, they said after the funeral she was taken away by her sister and the house was boarded up."  She said still clinging to my sleeves.

Hearing that my heart felt heavy and had to sit down on Sam's bed for a moment. " And what about the town?" I asked before steering out the closed window.

" As soon as you were said to be dead the town fell under complete darkness, people started going missing during the nights and loud growls could be heard whenever the day turned to night," after explaining Amy finally stood up.

"It's all your fault," she spoke before yanking the blanket that Max was holding out of his hand.

" It's not her-" I quickly cut Eric off as I placed my hand in front of his face.

"She's right it is my fault, it's my fault for thinking that if I fled this damn town I would have been able to save you so, go on and blame me." I spoke wiping my eyes.

I turned around to leave when my body went numb. I couldn't move nor could I speak.

" He's coming for you," on unfamiliar voice sudden whispered into my ears.

The next thing I knew was that I was lying faced down on the floor, I could hear Eric's voice calling my name as my vision blurred.

"Wake up," a sinister voice yelled into my ears causing me to quickly open my eyes. I looked up to see a girl towering over me. She had long blonde curly hair, pink lips and dark green eyes that stared into my very soul.

"Who are you," I asked looking around while trying to move my body.

The girl's face slowly formed a smile. " Do you really want to know who I am? okay I'll tell you," she spoke sending chills down my spine.

" My name is Emily Johnson, welcome home," she smiled as my vision once again turned dark.

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