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"Erika I'm buying your stuff." Freezy said running ahead of me.

"Bitch no the fuck you not." I yelled jogging after him.

He ran into the store and i soon followed. I began walking at a normal pace because I'm polite unlike Callum.

"Hi sir have you seen a young man, he's kind of an egghead and was probably wearing crocs, I don't remember." I laughed, asking the man stocking the shelf. cal came out from the other side of the isle and said,


"I'm sorry." I giggled.

"Don't be hating on the crocs bitch." He said.

"Bitch have you seen my feet?" I asked, as he immediately looked down.

"Krox gang!" He smiled high fiving me.

"You know it." I winked.

"Where are the boys?" He asked.

"I dunno let's go find them." I laughed, as we searched around the store.

"Found em!" Cal yelled walking down the camera isle.

"Howdy." I smiled walking next to Tobi.

"Hey." He said, showing a soft smile.

"Hi." I replied, looking up at him while resting my head on his shoulder.

"Are you tired?" He asked me.

"Nah. Just a bit cold in reality." I laughed.

"Here," he said, pulling his hoodie off and handing it to me.

"Thank you." I chuckled, slipping it on easily as it was big on me.

"Are we all gonna act like she didn't just stare at his abs?" The guy stocking the canon cameras said, looking over at us.

Freezy and Lux broke out laughing. I pulled the hood up and tightened the straps so my face wasn't visible.

Talk about embarrassing.

"Aw Erika." Lux said coming over to me.

"I'll kick your dick." I laughed, pulling the hood back down.

I walked back over to tobi and stood next to him tugging at the sleeves of the hood.

"So how much money are you looking to spend?" Tobi laughed.

"My entire bank account." I laughed.

"I'm buying the stuff from here." Freezy said.

"No you're not." I replied.

"Please? It makes up for what I did." He frowned.

"I already told you Cal. I don't care about that anymore. We're okay now." I smiled.

"Please, Erika. Just let me buy this stuff for you?" He begged.

"Fuck it. Sure cal you can buy it for me." I said sarcastically.

"I don't care if that was sarcasm. I'm still paying for it." He said, causing me to roll my eyes.

"If cal is paying, I believe Erika needs dinner for four in about two hours at a restaurant." Lux said, causing tobi and i to giggle.

"Yeah I believe I need a dinner for four as well." I laughed.

"Food court?" Freezy asked.

"Yes." The three of us replied, in sync.

"Let's buy this shit asap then." Freezy laughed.

"Yeah. I'm starved." Tobi replied, as I agreed with him.

"G7X, Mic, tripod, SD cards, hard drives, photoshop gift card, and BAM done." Freezy said, reading off every item as he threw it into the cart.

"To the checkout." I laughed.

"Finally." Lux chuckled.

"This my gang yeah." Lux said, filming us on Instagram, for his story.

"We should invite them sidemen out, for dinner then clubbing!" Freezy said.

"why not?" I laughed, agreeing that we should have a night out.

"I'm actually gonna go call harry." I frowned, walking towards the mall part, rather than the parking lot.

Tobi jogged after me, soon saying,

"I thought you might need some company." And smiling afterwards.

"I'm so lucky I met you." I smiled, holding out my hand, within about a second he happily grabbed it, as we went over to the bench.

I used my right hand to dial Harry's number, as tobi was holding onto my left.

I shakily pressed the green "call" button. After four rings his voice echoed through the phone.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I asked, my voice unsteady.

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