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We've finally finished our food, and now we are walking around trying to decide where we wanna go.

"GANG GANG BITCHES!" Freezy yelled to his instagram story.

"GANG SHIT YEAHH?" i asked.

"FUCK YEAH!" he screamed back, as everyone looked at us.

"you two are so embarrassing when you're together." harry said, pulling up his hood, then laughing.

"i got that on camera bitch." freezy said, cashing me to giggle while he posted the story.

"Who gives a fuck?" harry laughed.

"fair enough." freezy replied.

"hey." i smiled walking over to tobi.

"hey." he grinned, wrapping his arm around my waist.

i laid my head on his shoulder as we all walked into Gucci.

i found out tobi's never bought flashy stuff for himself and he's always been so humble. i just wish he knew how much he really does deserve.

"can i buy you something?" i smiled, looking up at him.

he chuckled and replied with a quick 'no.'

"why not?" i frowned, showing off puppy dog eyes.

"i don't like fancy stuff." he laughed.

"please?" i begged.

"no erika." he said.

"i'm buying you a hoodie either way so just pick it out." i replied, as i grabbed onto his hand and led him to the men's section.

"fine." he chuckled.

"what about this one?" i asked holding up a black hoodie with gucci written in while.

"That one is actually fire." he smiled.

"you know it." i winked.

"you want a belt too?" i asked.

"no this is more than enough rik." he said.

"what is your waist size?" i asked leading him to the belt section.

"Erika. No." he said, as i pulled him farther.

"i'll just guess then." i said looking at the rack.

"I don't want it." he said while pulling me into his chest.

he was holding onto my forearms keeping me from walking away.

"Please let me buy you something?" i said with my puppy dog eyes.

"it's not fair when you make that face." he said causing me to giggle.

we picked out his size belt and went to the counter to pay for the hoodie and the belt.

"that'll be £1896.45" the cashier smiled.

i slid my card through the machine, as he bagged the items. i grabbed the bag and we all met up at the exit.

i handed tobi the bag as he smiled and mumbled a quick 'thank you' before holding onto my hand.

y'all i been traveling like betch lately and i'll be back to my everyday uploading a lil bit after christmas i love you so much and thank you for everything 😊🖤

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