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tobi and i continued shopping for around half an hour before deciding to meet up with the rest as it was a bit late and we needed to get ready.

"let's meet with harry and the boys, then we can pick up what you need and go get ready at my house." tobi said, pulling his phone out of his pocket and texting harry.

a couple minutes passed before he spoke up again.

"they are by the Louis vuitton." i simply nodded walking by his side.

"hi can we get a picture?" a fan smiled towards tobi.

he looked over to me almost as if he wanted to make sure it was okay with me. i nodded and began walking to the Louis vuitton.

"tricky rik." freezy said mockingly.

"dickhead." i bickered back, as he walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"where's tobi?" lux asked.

"fans." i mumbled.

"someone's happy." lux mumbled back.

"super." i laughed, walking over to harry.

"i'm gonna come back to the flat and pick up my stuff so i can get ready at tobi's." i told him.

"alright." he said, pulling me into a quick hug.

"i'm happy we're all good again." he mumbled.

"me too." i smiled, pulling away.

i walked back over to freezy and whispered in his ear,

"i wanna drink tonight." causing him to laugh.

"no." he whispered back.

"i'm an adult." i whisper-replied.

"i know but your brother would kill me and you." he laughed.

"i'm willing to risk it." i said raising my finger up as if it was a challenge.

"what is it this time." lux whispered, joining the circle.

"this one thinks she's drinking tonight." freezy whisper yelled.

"hell no!" lux yelled.

freezy and i began laughing uncontrollably.

"sorry." he yelled again.

"you can't drink rik. you know what happend back then." he said.

"and i'm a recovering alcoholic. i've done good so far. please just this once?" i begged.

"no. that's final." harry said standing over lux now.

"i'm older than you. i'm sure one drink won't hurt." i laughed.

"erika we aren't doing this again." he said.

"i know." i frowned.

"it'll be okay." he smiled reassuringly.

"hey guys." tobi said joining the circle.

"hey." i smiled as my phone dinged.


hey i hope this isn't weird but i was hoping to get to know you better tonight, i think we'd be good friends.

omg yeah of course, i'd love to talk later. i'm going with tobi so you can text him if you want and see if we can all go together.

sounds perfect. i'll talk to him in a few. it was great talking rik!!

i agree j ;))

"Who was that?" tobi asked as i shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"JJ." i answered.

"he's a bit of a whore don't get your hopes up." harry said, as we all walked out the doors.

"i didn't plan on it." i laughed.

"Ima ride with harry." lux said.

"yeah me too." freezy added.

"alright i've gotta pick up an outfit so i'll see you there." i replied, hugging them all before tobi and i headed to my car.

"i can't wait to go clubbing." tobi laughed as we got into the car. i quickly shoved my key in the ignition and backed out.

"me too. i'm bouta drink some orange juice and watch these mothafuckers get smashed." i said, causing tobi to chuckle.

"you're too funny." he said, causing me to laugh.

"up until a few minutes ago i was wanting to go there, get hammered and forget it all. but now that i think about it, i don't really need to drink to have fun especially since you'll also be sober." i smiled.

"that's sweet." he laughed soon adding,

"i used to be a heavy drinker too. i'd go out every night and get shitfaced to the point where i could barely even move. i felt like i was dying, but at the end of the day i was the one who caused it." he said causing me to smile.

"i'm about four years clean." i laughed.

"really? me too." he said, turning on the radio.

"you can plug your phone into the aux." i said handing him the cord but not taking my eyes off the road.

"bitch bet." he said causing me to laugh.

about thirty seconds later music started playing. i instantly knew the song.

"VOSSI BOP!" i screamed.

"hell yeah." he chuckled.

"this is my shit." i said turning the volume up to fifty.

"My bruddas don't dab, we just Vossi bop I tell your girl to link me at the coffee shop." we sang.


"THEN I FINISH WITH A FACIAL JUST TO TOP IT OFF" he yelled along with stormzy.

we both broke at laughing as the song continued.

a few minutes later we got to the parking lot of harry and i's flat.

we sat in the car singing along, waiting for the song to finish. it eventually ended and we walked up to our room.

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