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"So I'm assuming it went well?" Tobi asked, releasing my hand from his grip.

"Yeah. He even said we'd make a cute couple." I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows.

"You're too cute." He chuckled pulling me into a hug.

"Not as cute as you." I smiled, letting go of him.

We walked hand in hand into Best Buy, meeting up with Cal and Cal.

"Oh it's the lovebirds." Lux laughed.

"Chinese food!" I yelled, as we all walked back out and into the food court.

Tobi let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me into his left side.

"Cute." I said causing him chuckle as I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Here Rik." Freezy said, handing me the Best Buy bag.

"Thank luv." I smiled, leaning over a placing a quick kiss on his cheek.

Tobi's face was heated.

"I was just being nice." I whispered, leaning back into his side as his hand slithered it's way back around my waist.

"Okay." He said blankly.

After a few seconds I stopped walking. Tobi stopped as well, and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I dunno." I said blankly.

"Rik come on. Let's keep walking." He said gesturing to the boys ahead of us.

"I don't really want to." I said sheepishly.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I just- I'm scared because what if everything's awkward between me and harry?" I asked.

"It won't be. You two are like the best of friends. He's lucky. To hell with it, any guy would be lucky to just be in the same room as you." He said

"That's sweet." I smiled.

"Not as sweet as you. Rik, I think I'm beginning to like you. Ever since I met you it's like my entire world has been changed. even though it's only been five hours now, you've made me so happy. I haven't had a real smile in months, but then you came around today and it's all Ive been able to do." He said, causing me to smile.

"I think Im starting to like you too, Tobi." I said, as a grin grew on my face.

"Erika I think the boys are waiting for us." He said.

"Let them wait." I said, placing my lips onto his within seconds.

The kiss was rather soft. We had only just met so we didn't need something too harsh or over the top. Aside from that, his lips were actually quite soft if i'm being honest. we slowly pulled apart and smiled goofily at each other.

By the time we looked away from one another there was decent sized crowd around us.

Fuck. They're fucking fans. It'll only be a moment before this is all over social media.

No one had their phones out yet, they all were just jaw dropped. I pulled my hood up as quick as I could and turned to tobi, muttering a quick 'sorry' then bolting to the food court, meeting up with my brother Harry.

"Hi love you." I said quickly, throwing myself into his arms, hiding from the phones and cameras.

"What is it?" He said, his voice low.

"fans, paparazzi, tobi, me." I whispered into his chest, trying not to be seen by paparazzi

"I've got this." He said.

"Hey guys can you please take the cameras and phones and everything elsewhere? I'm sure we'd all love to take photos with you, and get to know you, but we are trying to have dinner now and it's kind of important because something happened with my family that I don't want to talk about." He said, raising his voice.

The fans and paparazzi quickly scurried away, and back into the stores they came from, and out the doors until we were left alone.

Tobi came walking over to the table looking like he'd just ran a marathon.

"Fuck you for leaving me alone with all those fans and paparazzi back there." He said causing me to chuckle.

"I don't do good in high pressure. the boys always have to shew paparazzi and a couple fans when we're together, as bad as that sounds." I frowned.

"Yeah I get that." Tobi replied.

"Let's eat." Lux yelled as we got up to go to the counter.

after this would you lot rather another JJ fanfiction or a calfreezy one??comment beneath this please 💛 also i just wanted to let you guys know how great fun i am for you all, you allow me to do what i love :)

Ninety Four Minutes || TobjizzleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin