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I looked at my window my vision a little blurry from my tears. I wiped under my eyes and saw some dirty blonde hair and a concerned face. Harry. I tried to put on my best fake smile as he got into the passenger seat. 'You okay?' Harry was being cautious and i knew why incase i snapped. I watched as he placed his hand on my cheek and turned my face so we were eye to eye. Harry wiped a few tears from my face. 'That was a terrible question, what's going on?' I didnt want to tell him about my illness so I told him a half truth. 'I deserve to die. I should of been with my parents that night therefore I should die.' I watched as Harry's face became sympathetic. He didn't say anything he just got out the car. He was leaving me was my initial thought until he opened my door. 'C'mon' harry pulled me out and into his car.

I knew where he was taking me, we were heading towards Harry's flat. He had one hand on the wheel and one hand holding mine. He wasnt saying anything just focusing on the road. He pulled up outside the flat in the car park. I got out and harry wrapped his arm around me with one arm and the other hand connected with my hand. I entered his flat and the familiar smell of boy pushed against me. We head into Harry's room were I perched on his bed and waited for him to say something. 'Look at me' I did. Harry's hands lifted to my face and my chin was cupped in his soft hands. 'Listen to me, you are amazing and you have become so so important to me, I dont know what makes you think you deserve to die but you dont' harry was ranting at me. 'Even people who comment on my post things like die'I watched harry let out a sigh and drop his hands.i leaned into him and we cuddled for a minute before he begun to speak 'As long as I'm here no one can hurt you don't wanna lie here but you can learn to if I could change the way that you see yourself you wouldn't wonder why you're here they don't deserve you' harry kissed my head and we just sat in complete silence. He let me cry into his chest and I felt his warm embrace around me.

Harry had turned on the tv in the background as we chatted about childhood. I learnt alot about harry and alot about Guernsey. 'Y/n' he was almost whispering. I gazed into his deep blue eyes. 'Y/n I think I want to have something with you, something like romantic something' I just looked at him as he became this awkward mess. It was cute. 'Harry' I didn't know what to say 'as much as I want too judging fans and plus I've never really done this whole relationship thingy' he just smirked at me 'maybe I could teach you also opinions dont matter you have me remember' I nodded. I really did like harry i did but in the back of my head I had a constant fear of being loved or cared for. I wanted this so so bad but then I also knew that this was going to end badly. Harry had no idea that I was going to die. Shit.

'Do you know how to play fifa?' Harry piped out of no where. I shrugged in return 'kind of?' His face plastered with an evil smirk 'perfect' he grabbed my waist and pulled me inbetweene his legs giving me a controller. I began to giggle whilst he pulled me onto his lap. 'Right...' harry explained the controls and helped me out on the first couple of games. 'Now you go against me' he picked up a second controller and we began to play. 'WHAT?!' Harry yelled at the screen as it went into penalties. He missed the first shot where as I got it in. I won the game by one penalty and Harry's face was filled with horror. 'No not possible' he was fixed on the screen. 'I laughed 'sorry' harry stood up chucking both mine and his controller on the desk 'oh its fine but now I have to' harry got closer to me '

TICKLE YOU' harry smothered me in tickles causing me to scream and laugh so hard it hurt. I wrapped my legs around him bringing his face close to mine. He stopped for a second and just before he could go again I kissed him. It was a long passionate kiss and I knew he had forgotten about the tickling I turned so I was on top of him and when we broke away I just looked him dead in the eye and said 'tickle time' my hands moved to his stomach and I tickled him. 'Ahh no y/n!'

(A/N) there kinda together kinda not also how he gonna find out about her illness? Please vote ✌🏻 x

To die with you *wroetoshaw* ✔Where stories live. Discover now