What's a Mate?

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We started walking back to the front of the school when all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

I bend over and start coughing like crazy. "Omg are you okay?!?" My new friends asked.

"Yea" I whispered out. All of a sudden I wanted to cry. I pushed the thought and sat up wincing.

I probably look over dramatic. I put on a straight face and said "Lets go before were late."

Jake rushed to me and said "can't have you hurt now can we? Let me give you a piggy back ride."

I love piggy back rides and my chest still hurt so I hopped on. I started screaming when he started running. "S-S-Slow D-Down!" I was screaming and people were staring but i don't care how is he so fast.

"Aww are you scared?" He said teasing me. I just giggled when all of a sudden I hurt hella scary voracious almost warning loud growling sound.

I squeezed Jake harder and it was like in the movie when the queen bee comes out the kids split in half to make room for her.

Then this really good looking guy comes running at us and then it's like time fades and I'm reliving the moment I have tried to forget the most. ~~~~Flash Back~~~~
I'm walking home and it's dark. I have a killer headache and I'm still about seven blocks away from home.

I have been smart avoiding guys walking alone since its 11:28 and then a extremely attractive guy comes out of the alley ahead and turns to me.

He seems surprised and he's kind of creeping me out but no ones here. Next thing you know he's charging at me and pushes me against the wall harshly. Shit! That hurts.

"Hey sweet thang you know you shouldn't be out at night, especially with a pretty face like yours." he laughed and grabs my hair and drags me into the alley he just came from "Help! Someone please!"

I'm screaming and crying and then he slaps me hard. I taste blood and my face is numb.

He throws me roughly on the ground and I try to crawl away but he grabs my feet and drags me back.

He unzips my zipper"NO!" I yell and thrash around which ends with a kick to my stomach.

After feeling my body up he starts to pull off my underwear. I see a bottle lying on the floor by us. I grab it quickly and smash it on his head. He falls over and moans in pain.

I kick him a few times and run. I ran home which led to more beatings. For 'being out to late' and it kept on going from there.
~~~~End of Flashback~~~~
This guy is running I squirm out of jakes grip and fall on the floor on my back. Ouch! Just then all of the group I was with came running in.

But I couldn't stop thinking of the guy before and his laugh and the alley "Not Again!" I scream with out realizing and scramble up and everything is blurry.

But I keep running I hear people chasing me. 'Run run he's after you' the thoughts keep replaying in my mind over and over again.

With out realizing I jump in the middle of a road and a car comes speeding towards me.

I quickly scramble out of the way and just keep going. I taste my tears but I can't stop. It never stops every night I see it again and again now during the day!?! I no longer here footsteps and I'm soon by the woods by my house I keep going and hurry inside.

Locking all the windows in the house and checking the doors. I walk into my bathroom lost in thought. I just stare at the reflection.

I want my mom here no I need her. Why do I have to grow up without her and my dad hates me instead of trying to help me through it. I need to be strong for mom.

{Carters POV (Her mate the one running at her)}
I'm making out with Angela I think then I fill a sharp pain in my chest. I pull back to breath and and smell the most amazing smell.

Vanilla with a hint of strawberry. I push away Angela suddenly feeling disgusted and disappointed in myself. 'Mate go to mate NOW!' My wolf Damien says.

I look up and see the most beautiful girl in the world and I haven't even seen her whole face yet! But she's with another male on top of him.

The male my beta Jake. She giggles and I feel jealousy rip through me and I growl warningly this causes my mate to hug him tighter and look up.

I gasp at her beauty and and start running towards her as fast as I can. Shes MINE!

She shouldn't be like that with Jake whether or not he is my beta! She looks scared and has a lost look on her face when I'm almost there were more she snaps back into reality and squirms out of Jake's hold.

Ha! I see her fall and wince I run to comfort her but it scared her even more she scrambles up quickly she looks around panic spreads onto her face.

Fear is clear in her eyes I feel anxiety and sadness spread through me. It must be from her.

'Get mate Comfort mate!' My wolf yells 'I'm trying' I yell back. "Not Again" She scream sobs.

My sister Ashley and friends look me with confusion. Just then MY MATE runs outside and I chase her along with my friends and Jake.

I'm and Alpha so
I run really fast. I almost catch up to her thinking I have her I slow down but she does something I didn't expect she runs in the middle of the road.

A speeding car comes to a screeching halt. I hear her sobbing and try to go after her when a hand roughly pulls me and I'm being held back. I feel my wolf coming out.

"HOW DARE YOU KEEP ME AWAY FROM MY MATE!" My wolf Damien yells. "You're scaring her! If you keep chasing after her your just going to make it worse."

Jake yelled at me I slowly felt my self taking control again 'Mate we scared mate she hates us' my wolf whimpered.

What if she does hate us. "She's human." Ashley says. That explains a lot, why she was so weak and thin she was so tiny!

It looked like she could have broken when she fell on the floor just think if she would have gotten hit by the car.

"Who is she!" I sighed I wish I didn't scare her. "Summer Reed" Summer the name is so beautiful it fits her perfectly.

"The rogue you wanted to kill." Jake said annoyed. 'You were going to have MY mate killed' my wolf yelled.

"Our mate, and I didn't know!" Everyone gasped. "I know where she lives let me go comfort her." Jake said.

I growled "I should comfort her" I said glaring. "ENOUGH! Carter you just scared her I'm going I'll tell you everything that happens I think she just needs a girl to talk to." And with that Ashley left and I took off in wolf form letting my stress out by running and listening to the depressing things my wolf said about the possibilities of our mate hating us.

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