Sob Stories and Smiles

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(Ashely's POV)
I started walking away but was quickly stopped, "I want to go! I can help," said Isabel.

"Wait! Leave your link open," was all Carter could say before we hoped in Isabel's car and took off to Jake's house. Supposedly she lives across the street.

I can't believe he scared her like that! I wonder why she freaked out so much. Even if he is 6'3 I didn't think she would run away like that.

We quickly got to the house and I used my Werewolf hearing to see if she was there.

I felt Carter digging in my mind nosy bastard. Isabel killed the engine and I felt really bad hearing the loud sobs from inside. Isabel who is great with bobby pins had picked the lock.

"Summer!" We both yelled and we walk towards the room where the sobbing came from.

I quickly opened the door and felt my heart sank at the sight. In the corner of her room with all the lights off was a sobbing Summer.

Isabel ran to get the lights and I went straight up to her and just hugged her. I picked her up, man she's light and moved her to the bed.

"Cmon stop crying please." Isabel begged. "I probably look like a f-freak." she hiccuped. Good thing Carter isn't here. "No Okay we all have those moments now why don't you tell us what happened."

I asked calmly. "H-He just reminded me of someone well the w-way he ran a-at me," she whispered quietly. "Who did he remind you of?"

(Summer's Pov)
That's what I was afraid she would ask. Here goes nothing. "A while ago I was almost r-raped but I barely got away and and th-the guy just ran at me."

Isabel's eyes filled with pity and Ashley's with tears. "So you think the guy that ran at you will hurt you."

Ashley asked. "H-He just seemed really angry and I remember that day and freaked out." I said the last bit quietly. We heard a howl of pain.

I jumped up and ran to the window. Ashley and Isabel just seemed calm. Weird.

My ringtone which was Stay high rang through are ears and I felt myself getting red.

They laughed and so I did. I started feeling a lot better. "Babe I missed you!" I yelled into the phone. My chest started hurting really bad but I ignored it.

Hey just wanted to say I will be coming to visit next Friday see you then boo." wow he hung up. "Who was that?!?" Isabel yelled.

I blushed  and said "my best friend, you guys can meet him, I kinda have a crush on him." There goes my chest again.

A howl of pain and agony came from my backyard. I dashed down stairs and into the back but there was no fence.

I tried to see if a wolf was back there. I felt watched so I locked the door and ran back up to my room.

The girls questioned me a little but soon left I'm glad because I wanted to change but I didn't want them to see the bruise on my ribs and back.

It was still
sunny so I went outside
to go for a run along side the woods I won't go in to far.

I heard a twig snap and saw a HUGE black wolf his fur was so beautiful. "Please don't hurt me Mr.Wolf I'll leave!" I yelled out.

The wolf whined and rolled on its stomach and covered its eyes. I slowly walked to the wolf and sat beside it and pet its' fur.

It felt so soft wait is he purring?!? "Awww Your So Cute!" He growled at me and I jumped back I couldn't tell if he was playing.

All I noticed were his stunning blue eyes filled with regret. He came to me but I stepped back. "I have to go," I whispered.

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