Many firsts

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Isabel's POV

I was heading over to the hospital to check on summer but decided to stop and get her a gift.

So here I am now. Trying to pick out a stuffed animal for her. Scanning the isle until I found the perfect bear.

He's black with bright blue eyes. It will remind her of Carter when she sees his wolf.

I quickly paid and headed to the hospital.

I quickly arrived and saw Carter sitting on a chair. His head slumped his body shaking.

It's been more that ten years since I have seen my brother cry.

I quickly headed over to him and patted his back. I guess he was okay to her after all.

"It's my fault Iz it's all my fault."

"It's okay." I lifted his head to show him the bear. He smiled and held onto it.

Maybe it will comfort them both.

Hours passed when the doctor finally arrived telling us she has awoken.

Carter ran in and I followed shortly behind him. She was laying there.

Bags under her dark eyes. A needle piercing her skin. Her eyes slumping barely staying awake.

I shoved Carter and ran to her. "My poor Summer, look what I got for you."

She gasped. She looked in her own little world for a minute.

Maybe she's already seen her his wolf. I gave it for her and she smelled it.

"It smells good did you spray something on it?"

For the first time in a while I saw my brother blush.

Many firsts today.


The bear Isabel got me was beautiful.
It looked like Mr.Wolf.

What if I never see him again.

I looked to Carter. Wait why was he here?

His gaze made me blush. I yawned and turned to get comfortable.

I'm not going to lie, If Carter wasn't trouble I'd be so into him.

He's so ugh. His face is like and Angel.
The work of God himself.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. He smiled sadly back at me.

His eyes holding regret in them. "Ima go find Jake I'll be back."

Isabel headed out the door and I was met with a shy smile.

He's so adorable. "How are you feeling? He smiled omg he has a dimple.

"Drowsy." I laughed. I felt like holding his has but ruled that idea out.

"Go to sleep." He chuckled and tucked me in.

"You're sweet." I mumbled I heard him say "and you're beautiful." just before drifting off to sleep."

I woke up a little while later to find Carter sleeping.

He looked so cute. Peaceful. Handsome.

As if he felt my gaze he woke up.

He smiled at me and I got lost in his blue eyes.

Then it clicked

The bear has bright blue eyes

He has bright blue eyes

Mr.Wolf has bright blue eyes

Weird right ?

I snapped out of my daze when the doctor walked in.

"You'll be able to leave tomorrow but we're gonna keep you here over night. Your welcome to come and eat or watch tv." He put more stuff into my Iv

After that I turned to Carter

"You don't have to stay here your girlfriend my get mad."

He looked confused "I don't have a girlfriend."

"That's not what she said."

He laughed a little then he gasped

"We should have a movie night here!"

I smiled widely.

"You don't have to be nice to me." I whispered lowly

He quickly turned around.

"I was hoping we could be friends but I had to leave." he looked down.

"Okay then what movie" maybe he wasn't like what I expected.

We ended up watching Insidious.
He came in the bed with me and he ran and bought popcorn.

Not sure where from.

We were under the covers when the old woman jumped out. I hid in him.

He was becoming a great friend.

A really close friend. Maybe I judged him to quickly.

As the night dragged on we watched three movies.

We were now friends. I like being his friends. I like his personality.

I fell asleep leaning on his shoulder.
Is this what's its like to have a guy friend ?

I heard Isabel walk in but I was to tired to move.

"Aww big bro you look like a giant compared to your little mate."

Mate? Wha?

I realized he really was tall. 6'3 maybe
His feet hung off the bed.

Tall guys with deep voices cute laughs and messy hair are just ugh perfect.

Kind of like him.

I fell asleep very quickly and enjoyed the best sleep I've had in a long long time.


The moon goddess helped her wake up.
So I will be a good mate. I feel like a puppy

I want to follow her around. Cuddle in her bed. Always be around her.

This is my chance to make us be friends. Keep Jake away from what's mine!

We stayed up late watching movie and eating popcorn.

Well I mostly ate the popcorn.

She even let me lay with her!

My wolf was ecstatic to be by his mate.
He's glad she's not a Werwolf.

But he also knows the dangers. She can be easily hurt. Used as a weakness.

I purposely picked a scary movie.

I loved how every time she was scared she would burry her face in my shoulder.

My wolf purred from the action.
My wolf also liked that she was short and frail.

He felt like her hero. Wanting to protect his mate. He liked how she didn't even come up to my shoulders.

He liked everything about her.

At the end of the night when she fell asleep cuddling into me my wolf and I both felt complete.

I never thought I would feel this way so shortly.

Now I just have to make her want me.

Goodnight guys enjoy reading please vote and comment. I'm working on making the chapters longer so haha It took me a while. Thanks for reading (:

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