Trouble is not my thing

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Jake parked the car and we all jumped out. As I got out I walked over to Jake and whispered,"do you think I'm crazy?".

He laughed. like full on eyes watering laugh and I felt myself blushing from his gaze.

Carter immediately was by my side glaring at Jake. Between laughs Jake said," no."

He smiled at me and I couldn't help but let a little laugh escape from me. We all walked in together and I noticed Carter was really close to me ,but I felt comforted.

Then all of a sudden this girl by girl I mean slut ran up to us screeching. Her shirt was belly button length and her skirt was so short an inch less and you could see her underwear.

"Carter!" She screeched. I felt myself wincing from her voice. She was glaring at me like I killed her family and got away with it.

"I'll be back guys," Carter said quickly and quietly. They walked off together and the pain in my chest came back ouch.

I didn't let them see it bothered me. So much for showing me around. I laughed a little "so is she your guys friend?"

"No!" I laughed good now I can talk shit.

"Good I'm sorry but it's just like honey no one wants to see that." I was coughing but quickly grabbed out my water bottle and tried to sooth my throat.

Jake looked at me sadly, "Lets go to first period you can sit by me!" He all but shouted out.

I smiled and said bye to everyone else. Jake did something I never expected him to do.

He picked me up bridal style and ran across the hall. I liked how he picked me up with so much ease and how he held me tightly to his chest making sure I didn't fall.

I felt myself go red. "Dang girl we need to feed you you're like a feather." I went red again.

He put my down and dragged my hand I felt all warm and fuzzy by this. He dragged me to the back of the classroom and made me sit by him.

The bell rang and in walked the teacher "As most of you know we have a new student actually joining us today, Mrs. Reed tell us about yourself," Mr. Teacher guy said.

I stood up slowly. "I just moved here a few days ago, I came from Arizona and I want to try out for cheerleading." I quickly sat down and the teacher said a quiet thank you.

I found out his name was Mr. Martinez. Jake and I were cracking up in the back and I was leaning on his shoulder.

All of a sudden Carter walked in his hair a mess, panting, and his top two buttons undone.

My chest was hurting really bad and I felt like crying. Jake hugged me comforting and I smiled breathing in deeply.

A low growl was heard and I jumped into him even more. He just hugged me and then guess what the bell rang. AHAHA perfect timing.

We left together and headed to second period. It was math and Ashley was with us.

Carter tried to sit by me in math but Jake and Ashley blocked me his eyes are sort blackish now it's creepy.

He stomped out of the classroom and shorty after I heard a wolf howling in pain.

It reminded me of Mr.Wolf. I felt hurt for some reason and still a little sad, but I think I might be developing some feelings for Jake.

I'm not sure what to do yet. After learning about boring fractions we went to go get lunch.

"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom," I told the squad. When the girl correction slut from earlier shoved me into the wall.

Ouch! I tried to push her but she's pretty strong. "Stay away from Carter he's mine!" she growled.

"Bitch I don't want him okay so you need to not!" Then she punched me I was surprised actually.

I felt blood streaming out of my nose and then I heard whisper. "Don't make me tell you again stupid human."

What!?! I quickly ran outside and ran to Ashley. "Can you show me to the nurse?"

Jake gasped and practically yelled out "what happened?!?" I stayed quiet as I was being led down to the nurse.

"I'll tell you later go eat lunch." I smiled weakly. Carter,trouble, and I don't want any of it.

{hi guys}
Did Carter do what we think he did?!? :O find out next time. So I got a new phone yay so that's why I just wrote this today. Leave a vote and yea Haha no promises to when the next update will be ill try and make it soon though (: dedicated to Beth from THE WALKING DEAD ): we will miss you.
~ Savanna 💖

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