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<Summers POV>

The doctor said I was fine to go.

I changed clothes and was expecting to walk home. I signed my paperwork and said my thank you's and headed outside.

The wind felt wonderful. Blowing my hair back out of my face.

I turned to start walking only to find Carter, Isabel and Ashley waiting for me.

I laughed to the point where I had tears in my eyes. I have never had people who I have just met care so much about me.

"My poor baby!" Isabel screeched and ran at me. After that came Ashley with this glint in her eyes.

It made me feel like I belonged.

"Why don't we go get ice cream."
Carter said.

We all agreed and I sat in the back as we drove to the parlor.

Maybe to be happy I just need a little company.

I stared out of the window. Thinking about how these guys were what I always wanted.

True friends.

Carter and I got vanilla while Isabel got Oreo cookies and cream and Ashley got chocolate.

I could see all the happiness in front of me.

Then I realized, Jakes not here.

Oh well I've finally found a way to be happy.

With these guys.

Carter kept throwing these glances at me. Always laughing when I made a weird face at him.

We packed up and headed home.

"Guys, we could have a big sleepover at my house."

They face brightened and they smiled brightly at my idea.

We headed to my house and ordered pizza.

I opened the door and quickly locked it waiting for Carter and then to get here with there clothes.

I checked my phone to see a new message from my dad.

"I'll be gone for about five more days be safe."

Charming father isn't he.

I need to clean my room!

I quickly grabbed the air mattress and some blankets. My bed is big enough for us girls.

The doorbell rang and I quickly jogged down to see Jay.

I squealed and ran to hug him.

I felt like the girls in the movies he lifted me up and swung me around.

" I missed you so much." he whispered.

A cough interrupted and I felt myself blushing.

"I totally forgot you were coming, but this is Ashley, Isabel, and Carter."

Carter was glaring at him but shook his hand.

"We're having a sleepover but you can stay too!" all my friends together this will be fun.

I heard Jay chuckling as I dragged him through the house. Carter, Isabel and Ashley were following closely.

I showed them to the living room and Carter decides to put the movie he brought on.

On the couch Carter is on one side REALLY closely and Jay is on the other side leaning against me.

The tittle came on.

The woman in black. I was glaring at Carter while he was laughing.

"I hate scary movies!" I screeched.

"I'll protect you" both Carter and Jay said at the same time.

I am currently smacking Carter with a pillow for the scary movie.

"I'm going to get popcorn."

I quickly ran into the dark kitchen and got some more popcorn.

All of a sudden I was picked up and carried into my bedroom.

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