saving starlight / fem reader

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You are a supe stopping by The Seven tower in plain clothes . Your supe power is telepathy . You ran as a candidate for the new member of The Seven after Lamplighter retired but Starlight won . Madelyn Stillwell asked you to film a congratulations video since you came second and you were currently lost while wandering through the endless halls of the massive tower .

(Y/N)'s Pov :

I was starting to get seriously stressed out as I stomped with my small converse against the shiny , black floors . Everything about this place was so immaculate and untouched , I wondered how much the cleaners were paid . I recognised the doors of the meeting room and hesitantly stopped outside of them while trying to retrace my steps from last time I was here when a loud crash caught my attention .

Thinking there must be someone inside who could possibly help me find my way , I quietly tapped on the door and furrowed my eyebrows .

"Oh ! Hey , (Y/N) !" The Deep flung the door open , seemingly rather annoyed for a moment before he saw me , and quickly closed it behind him . Giving me a gleaming , toothy grin , he asked sweetly ,"How've you been ? I haven't seen you since the contest !"

"I'm great , thanks ." My heart skipped a few beats while trying to hide my blush . Despite being telepathic , there were still things - like seeing members of The Seven up close - which I found it was hard getting used to .

"What are you doing back here so soon ? Couldn't get enough , huh ?" He smirked .

"Uh ... I'm actually here for some filming . Lucky Starlight , right ?" I chuckled nervously . Usually , a girl such as myself would be extremely bitchy about coming second - but before the election , I had grown to like the now member of The Seven and we were friends . My telepathy never allowed me to ever really get close to someone in that way , because I could hear all the terrible things humans think , but Annie January didn't have a bad bone in her body . Sure , she was fierce and badass in combat but most of the time , she was a complete sweetie and she really deserved her place in The Seven . That was why I was the only candidate willing to film a congratulations video for her .

Then I heard it . Her voice . Well , her thoughts . Annie's words rung through my entire brain ,

'(Y/N) , please help me .'

I knew it was her . The only thing which put me off was how scared she sounded . I looked over The Deep one last time , I can't even begin to describe the disgusting words his mind spewed , and thought-what the fuck is going on here ?

Annie's Pov :

I backed away as what I now knew as 'The Deep Asshole' went to answer the door and tried to quieten my sniffles to listen to whoever was there .

"Oh ! Hey , (Y/N) !" His voice became muffled as he shut the door and I caught a glimpse of a grey t-shirt with roses on the front I vaguely recognised . (Y/N) ? My (Y/N) ?

I looked around at the shattered screens and my breaths grew heavier-I was trapped . Tears fell from the corners of my eyes as I gasped for air and tried to steady myself . (Y/N) , please help me .

I hardly sensed a shuffle outside the door while trying to collect myself , staring up at The Seven mural on the ceiling . It was like I could feel them looking down on me , judging me .

The door was forced open a few inches before it took a rapid holt and a few more inaudible words were spoken . Suddenly , it flew open and (Y/N) pushed past him , her face was smudged with concern .

"Annie , c'mon . We're getting the fuck out of here ." She told me sternly while taking long strides in my direction . I couldn't even manage to choke out a single word as she grabbed my arm . I could tell she saw I'd been crying .

Third Person Pov :

You let Starlight lean on as you practically carried her all the way to the bathroom , 'accidentally' jabbing him in the gills with your elbow on the way out of the meeting room . You held her soft , blonde locks back and grimaced pitifully as she threw up in the toilet stall , you both knelt on the floor . You didn't know exactly what had happened between them , but you could take a good guess from the thoughts of hers you heard .

You were distraught by how horrifying her first day of being in The Seven was . Sitting down beside her against the stall door after flushing the toilet , you firmly decided you wouldn't be filming a Congratulations Video , not if this kind of shit was happening . You rested your arm around her shoulders as she snuggled up to you .

"Thank you , (Y/N) ." Annie sniffled .

"Hey , you have no one to thank right now ." You turned to face her , seeing the mascara smudged all across her eyes and reaching for a roll of toilet paper . "I'm so sorry this happened . The Deep is a dick and he'll get what he deserves ." You reassured her while softly wiping away the dark smears around her eyes . "There must be something we can do . You can sue or someth-"

"No , we can't ." Her pretty , soft eyes pierced through yours , going slightly red as you continued to do your best to clean her up ,"I just got into The Seven . I'll be fired if I complain , you really think they'll even believe me ?" Annie reasoned while tears continued to roll down her cheeks . You tutted and flipantly dried them up . She looked like she was thinking for a moment before she started to cry harder again and you pulled her into a hug .

Starlight sobbed into your shoulder as you squeezed her tight , whispering into her ear ,

"I'm so sorry , Annie . You don't deserve this ."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘠𝘚 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now