i can see you pt. 2

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You currently sat in the bathroom stall of the the Vought tower, scrolling through your phone. Your feet were pressed up against the stall door as you sat on the toilet seat. You knew that after such a big mission, you would be wanted for interviews, no doubt you would be on Jimmy Fallon tonight with Maeve, so you were hiding in the stall furthest from the door. You made sure to turn your phone on silent since it was practically blowing up with emails and Instagram tags.

After the only 20 minutes of peace and privacy you could ask for, you staggered to the mirror and began to wash your hands, having slipped your phone into a zipper pocket on your hero costume. You look up in the mirror and get the fright of your life - Translucent standing right up behind you, but at least he had his suit on.

"What is wrong with you?" You complain, jaw clenched in frustration as you practically punch the soap.

"(Y/N), calm down! I just wanted to say congratulations!" He defends, laying a hand on your shoulder.

You grab his wrist and bend his arm behind his back, growling over the sound of his winces,"You know, you really do seem obsessed with me."

"You know, I find power very attractive in a woman," He looks around at you with his deep, brown eyes, teasing irrisitably, "Don't you think?"

"I can see why you'd think that," You smirk back, "Don't you think all this talk has gotta' be done somewhere else, though?" You release him and finally look over his face with some care - so, perhaps, he's not as annoying this time. And now, possibly, because of all this kind of talk you're realising he might be just a little hot...

"Well, to me, it looks like we're already in the right place, right?" He suggests slyly, making you look around the bathroom and chuckle to yourself. You're about to agree before Ashley storms in, auburn hair bouncing obnoxiously with each step,

"(Y/N)! What the fuck do you think you're doing in here?!" She squeals,"You know you're on Fallon later, shift your fucking ass!" She grabs your forearm and drags you into the hall before another word can escape.


(timeskip, you're on the Jimmy Fallon show)

"So, (Y/N) and Queen Maeve, in the studio with us today, congratulations - I don't know if everyone in the audience heard but, uh, these two amazing women stopped a bank robbery earlier today and saved the lives of 46 men, women and children." Jimmy announces and applause fills the studio, complemented by whistling and screaming your names.

He interviews Maeve sat furthest away from the desk first, talking about her diet and training regime to have the steel skin she's notorious for. Next he addresses you,

"Now, (Y/N), today was an exciting day for many of your fans, certainly your super fans - not only because of this team up but because of this amazing, new power move!" He exclaims.

"Uh... yeah, yeah that's right." You play along, a little confused about what he's talking about, but sure you'll catch on soon.

"Yeah, you remember that? Let's show a clip for everyone at home." He orders and your eyes dart to the screen near the stage - CCTV footage of you wrecking the fuck out of the robbers you were faced with. Your eyes narrow as you throw the first guy across the room, but your heart begins to pound as another guy pops up from behind you. That's right. There were three bodies. But you didn't remember taking out a third guy, did you? You continue to watch curiously as the third guy aims the shotgun right at the back of your head. The audience gasps as the gun is literally thrown from his arms, before the robber is dragged to the ground and beaten on the floor. What the actual fuck?

"Now, what have you been eating and can I please get some of it?" Jimmy asks, cracking a smile.

"Ooh, yeah - I'll make you a deal." You smirk. "No, really,I've been doing a different workout." You lie, plastering on a smile as best you can.

"Tell us more."

"Well, uh... the general rule is that I can lift as much with my mind as I can normally so... I've been training extra hard so that, as you can see, I can do two things at once." He continues to congratulate you but your mind wanders elsewhere. You know for a fact you're incapable of such things. But you also know who isn't.

(timeskip to the Vought Tower)

You've been searching around the tower for what seems like hours, and surprisingly, you're having trouble finding the invisible man. Where does he usually sneak up on you? The bathroom, sure, but you're not asking for it, right?

The boardroom.

You head to the main hall after a series of elevator rides and tripping on staircases. You burst through the doors and let out a frustrated sigh.

"You in here?" You call loudly, shutting the door behind you and strolling towards the large table. "I can see you!" You lie, hoping he would give it up.

"Hello?" You greet the silence a second time,"This is your last chance, I really wanted to talk to you!...Fine, I'm leaving now!-"

"Wait." His quiet voice emerges from under the table and you find yourself smiling wider than intended. You peek under the table just in time to see his skin take appearance and fill the grey boiler suit.

"What are you doing under here?" You ask, sitting beside him and gazing out of the far window at the stars in the dark sky.

"Thinking." He replies nonchalantly.

"So have I." You scoff.

"About what?"

"Two things: the first is that... I don't think it was that hard to follow me and Maeve from here earlier, was it?"

"No, not really." He murmurs.

"Well, thanks. You saved me." You watch his dark eyes and remember the butterflies in your stomach when you sat in the studio, realising what exactly had happened at the robbery. "And the second thing is... maybe... you've been acting this way around me... because... you might... want something to happen between us." You admit nervously, praying that it all did mean something and he hadn't been messing around with you.

He starts to shift uncomfortably and your heart skips a beat,"Thing is... I think I might want that too...?" You add, stopping his shuffling by laying a hand on his arm.

"Yeah?" He finally looks you in the eye, letting on a minuscule smile.

"Yeah." You shrug shyly, attempting to control your furious blushing. Translucent's face instantly turns into a smirk,

"You know, you're very cute when you're shy."

"Shut up." You scoff and lean in to kiss him, reaching your arm around his broad shoulders and inhaling the deep scent he gives off. He closes the gap between you and presses your lips together, and you can just feel him smiling from the way his mouth moves. After five seconds of something you never knew you wanted so badly, you pull away so slightly you can still feel his warm breath on your cheeks and giggle,"We can't tell the others about this, can we?"

His voice almost sounds like a groan of impatience, but nonetheless, the cheeky grin returns on his lips before he goes in to kiss you again,"Most certainly not."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘠𝘚 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now