sunny afternoon / fem x hughie

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You had been Hughie's girlfriend for about a year and a half-you spent most of your time together and never got sick of each other . You could tell what he was thinking from a single glance and so could he . You didn't mind he still lived with his Dad but you spent a lot of time there with him . You and Hughie were completely in sync ! ❤

This was just another lazy , sunny afternoon . You and Hughie both sat on his bed , listening to music and talking about whatever random shit came to mind . His bedroom door and window were wide open , letting a humid , summer breeze rustle through the apartment . It was days like this he adored . Just relaxing , totally at peace with everything around you both .

It was your turn to choose the music . You scrolled through a playlist on Spotify specifically created for this kind of occasion and tapped on a song which made Hughie look up and his face adorably lit up .

"What's up , Hugh ? Did you not start the fire ?" You teased irrisitably .

"God , I love you , (Y/N) ." He sighed , his eyes drifting across the room . It was extremely light and humid , he was wearing a faded , yellow Nirvana t-shirt and blue jeans . You wore a dark blue , long-sleeved top rolled up to the elbows with a (insert favourite video game) design in the front and a floaty , knee length white skirt with a floral pattern embroidered on it . Your (Y/H/C) , (Y/H/L) hair rustled in the breeze and you beamed at him as you began to sing rather loudly ,

"Harry Truman ! Doris Day ! Red China ! Johnnie Ray ! South Pacific ! Walter Winchell ! Joe DiMaggio !" All he did was stare at you the way he usually did , with a simple smile on his face before finally asking ,

"What are you ... what are you doing ?"

"I'm trying to embarrass you !" You giggled . Hughie pressed his lips together to prevent himself from laughing and shuffled to sit forward on the bed . He leaned his arm on your shoulder and his eyes twinkled as he looked over every intricate feature of your face .

"You could never embarrass me ."

"Is that a challenge ?" You playfully smirked ,"I could scream anything I want out of that window ." Hughie closed his eyes for a second , knowing you would go that far even if it made you look stupid and sighed , as if your daring antics exhausted him ,

"Please don't ." You grinned and leaned in to kiss him . Hughie closed the gap between you and laughed softly against your lips as you botch thudded and bounced on the mattress .

"Are we staying in all day ?" You murmured whilst he traced his fingers over the side of your face .

"We can go out - I have to drop by work ." His eyebrows raised slightly , showing his amazing eyes you could loose yourself in if you looked for too long .

You said goodbye to Hughie's Dad (who was sat on the couch , watching Remington Steele , as always) and walked down the sunny street hand in hand . You followed Hughie into 'Bryman's Audio Visual' and was hit by a cool wave of aircon as he pushed the door open .

"Hey , Gary . You called me in ?" Hughie walked over to the front desk and leaned confidently on the counter while you wandered to the back of the shelves to look at webcams and speakers .

"Yeah , I need you to sort out your shifts for the next few weeks , we've had some drop-outs so you might have to take a few more hours ." You frowned to yourself as his boss , Gary , broke the news to him . You picked up a small teddy bear with a webcam in it's eyes and let on a small smile because of how cute it looked .

You drearily dragged your feet to the television in the corner and sat down on top of one of the circular stools previously used for stocking higher shelves as 'The Ellen Show' started . "Now , we have someone very special coming on the show today - you guys are in for a treat ." You hardly watched daytime TV but you knew the concept and knew The Seven and other , less popular or successful supes often featured as guests on them - which made you wonder just how much time they really devoted to performing these heroic acts that caused the public to pray for them .

After about ten minutes of dividing your concentration between A-Train chatting to Ellen DeGeneres and cheekily sleuthing the conversation occurring over the front counter , Hughie came up from behind you and hugged you , you both knew what was coming next .

"Weeknights again ?" You guessed rather disappointedly .

"Yeah ," He replied awkwardly , he didn't want to work so much he didn't see you as much as he usually did - but Gary wasn't especially caring about his employee's relationships or Hughie as a whole . You didn't always approve of him working there but you didn't tell or suggest he quit as it took up a large part of his responsibility and gave him something to build his life around , other than you .

"Date night's off ?" You guessed again , a tired smile forming on your face .

"... I'm sorry , (Y/N) ."

You smirked and stood up , taking his hand and leading him out of his work , back onto the sunny street .

"Hey , we still have the rest of the day ." You placed a small kiss to his lips , making his stomach turn inside out . Little gestures like that always reminded him of how head over heels in love with you he was ,"Let's go to the park and eat ice cream on the swings ."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘠𝘚 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin