i can see you / fem x translucent

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Request by: KimAckermann

You are part of The Seven - Vought employed you not long after Lamplighter retired because you were their first choice, anyway. There was hardly any competition since you are telekinetic and you and Queen Maeve work so well together, meaning you were naturally a pair of amazing power-girls for team-ups. However, you weren't so in sync with some of the other members of The Seven...

"He's just... there. All the time." You complain, attempting to tie your hair up as you and Maeve stroll to the boardroom for the crime itinerary on your next mission.

"(Y/N), he's invisible, how can you tell?" She scoffs, her arms swinging as you both walk.

"I don't know, I can just feel it." You shrug, stretching out your arms once you had finally managed to get your long locks out of your way.

"Ironic, huh?" Maeve nudges you and smirks as you make it into the main hall.

"Girls! Girls, come here!" Madelyn beckons you towards her as soon as you're in sight. Here we go. "Now, you two have a massive opportunity up ahead - there's a gang hit going on a few streets away and with the 'girl-power hashtags' trending, this could be really great." She smiles, watching the small blips travel around the map. You pretend to read the crime itinerary and bite the inside of your lip - something here isn't quite right. It's that strange stirring feeling in the pit of your stomach that feels like the flutter of butterflies.

As Ashley begins to fret over your hair, you cautiously spin around and ignore her, narrowing your eyes for inconsistencies in the air. You smirk as soon as you hear a whisper of,
"Oh, shit." Taking a deep breath to muster the strength in your own mind, you strain your own head to lift the invisible man and toss him across the room into a wall. It may seem harsh but to members of The Seven, especially ones with diamond skin, this is just play fighting.

"Ah, fuck." Translucent groans as he stands up, still not in visible form since he'd be naked. "What the fuck was that for, (Y/N)?"

"Stop fucking following me." You shrug.

"Are you two done?" Stillwell impatiently taps her heels on the floor,"We could really do with you two leaving now, when you find that convenient." Her jaw clenches and Maeve leads you off by the arm out of the boardroom as you glare at where Translucent had been.

"What did I tell you?!" You almost yell over her frustrated sighing.

(timeskip to the crime scene)

"Remind me of the plan, you know I wasn't listening, (Y/N)." Maeve sighs as you coolly stride up to the bank.

"Since when do we ever have a plan? As far as I'm aware it's always been in and out." You mutter as the flashes of photographers and civilians shine against you face.

"Fair enough." She smirks,"After you."

Your telekenisis has a slight catch, however, you can only move things and chuck things within the same ability of your own strength. For example, you could lift a man with your mind as well as you would with your arms. Thankfully, being super-abled means you are significantly stronger than average so you can do things like topple trucks with a slight strain on your muscles.

You both swiftly throw open the doors and slam them behind you so hard the glass shatters, before coolly glancing around to analyse the situation. Alarms are blaring, gunshot is ringing through the air and waves of people are crouched on the floor with their hands plastered to their heads. You and Maeve exchange a small nod and you separate, approaching opposite sides of the bank. You head to the right where you spot two criminal scumbags and confidently stretch out your shoulder blades.

"Fucking freak." One of them mutters through the black balaclava. You clench your jaw and dramatically swing your arm out to the side, sending him hurtling across the room with a blood curdling scream.

You consider drilling the other guys head into the ground before realising that it's been almost a week since you got the opportunity to actually do something besides comicon panels and commercial shoots. You block a few hits from the second robber and grab his arm and force it harshly down, throwing the guy upside down and splitting his neck when he lands face first.

You glance to the other side of the bank where Maeve is already waiting and smirking at you with her arms crossed. With a quick skim of you eyes over the three bodies scattered around you, you vault back over the counter and pull your face into a smile, proudly announcing,"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you're all safe! You're free to go!"

Applause erupts from the room and from the street outside, where a large crowd have congregated to watch you and take videos.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), you're my hero!" A teenage girl approaches you, seeming a little shaken up from the previous events,"Can I take a picture with you?"

"Oh, sure you can, Honey!" You smile and crouch slightly to reach her and put an arm over her shoulders as she snaps the picture and uploads it to any platform she can access quickest.

"Thank you so much! I think you're amazing!"

"That's no problem, it's what I'm here for. You did great, you were so brave!" You commend and flash smiles across the room before meeting with Maeve again and making it outside to take more pictures. But you still can't shake the feeling it was over too quickly...

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘠𝘚 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 / 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now