ii; side effect

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SINCE THE SECOND HALF OF SOPHOMORE YEAR, Isaac Lahey has been her ride to school. If you ask her father, however, he will tell you his daughter rides her bike to school everyday. And it was only partly a lie, she did ride her bike to school, only on days where Isaac wouldn't show up. The lie was easier than having to explain to her father that she rides on a boy's motorcycle to school everyday. It wasn't her idea, Isaac would insist on picking her up before school, and she acquiesced.

   "I don't get why I have to wear a helmet." Juliette said, flattening down the roots of her hair, brushing her fingers through it.

    Isaac got off his motorcycle, placing the two helmets on top. "Would you rather have your brain blown out if there was an accident?"

   "Death's a boring side effect."

   "Had anyone ever told you you're a nightmare fetishist?" Her father had given her Emily's old car as a type of compensation. It never came of use, as she had no intention of learning how to drive anytime soon. So the bright red (Emily always had a thing for standing out) car hasn't moved since Jules last tried to drive it, with Isaac as her mentor. That was when she decided she'd prefer to fasten the route to school by coming along with Isaac.

    When they reached her locker, she took out her journal, placing it underneath all the textbooks where nobody could see it, and took out her AP History textbook. She turned to look at Isaac, who was strangely quiet. She followed his gaze, which led to her staring at a very perturbed Allison Argent, who stopped to steady her breathing. She could tell Isaac has feelings for Allison, though it was incipient. "She looks like she just saw a ghost."

      "That's harsh."

       Juliette turned to observe Allison more clearly, the wide eyes and heaving chest from her short breaths. Not harsh, she decided. She turned back to Isaac to see him still gazing lovingly at Allison, completely oblivious to the girl's evident anxiety attack. "You know, I don't get why you like her so much, didn't she try to kill you last semester?"

    "Not so loud!" Isaac bushed her.

    Rolling her eyes, she closed the locker. "What? I'm surprised these idiots haven't found out yet." She huffed. "Have they even looked at all the wild animal reports? It's pretty evident."

    "If Scott finds out I told you–"

    She stepped back, faking offence. "Told me? I had to force you into admitting it." She said. "And besides, it's not like you tell me anything."

    Jules has never asked him about the sacrifices. In a way, she was scared of what his answer would be. She wouldn't know how to handle it if he says she's right. But most of all, she wouldn't know what to do with herself if she turns out to be wrong. Would she have to investigate further? Find another way her sister was supernaturally killed?

    "Hey, Isaac?"

    Breaking his gaze off of the Argent, he turned back to look at Juliette. "Yeah?"

    "You think someone can be stuck in their wolf form?" She asked carefully.

Jules recalled the part of the report where they were killed by a Coyote, and she knew it must've been related to the supernatural. So when she searched the date the situation occurred, and saw that it happened on the night of a full moon, it confirmed the connection. But she has never heard of a were-coyote existing before, as far as she knows, with her source being Isaac, only werewolves and kanimas exist.

Isaac rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean.. yes, I guess i've heard of that happening before."

"Follow up question," She couldn't help but smile wildly, as she was much closer to solving the case. "Is it just werewolves?"

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