Finding Out

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AN// - Edited

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I rolled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom across the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I didn't want to wake my parents. I assume they are both still passed out wherever they landed last night. They both drank, which caused them to get angry, which they took out on me.

I make it to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My hair was tangled from sleeping with it loose. Stupid. I was so tired that I forgot to put it up or braid it. I ran a brush, threw it and started getting all the tangles out, being as gentle as possible. Once I'm down I grab the bag of makeup I have hidden in the back of the cabinet.

I stand in front of the mirror and start covering the noticeable bruises. They didn't make any on my face this time, so I didn't have to worry about that. I could cover the ones on my arms enough to wear a short-sleeve shirt today, which was nice because I know it will be hot.

After they did me I went back to my room and put on a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail before grabbing my shoes and backpack. 

I creeped down the stairs to see the living room empty, meaning they were in their room. I put my bag down and cleaned up a little. Once the living room was cleared of empty bottled and pizza boxes, I slipped on my black converse and my backpack and headed to Luke's.

I'm Andrea Connor. I'm 16 and I live in the tiny Connecticut town of Stars Hollow. Nobody knows about what happens at home, people know that my parents aren't the nicest people. I think Luke has his suspicions.

He likes to help me out, letting me work at the dinner most afternoons and giving me free food. I know if I need him he's just a call away.

I make it into town and across the town square just as Luke is turning the sign to open. He spots me walking up and smiles at me. As I walk up, he opens the door letting me in.

"Morning, Andy," he says.

"Morning, Luke," I reply.

I set my bag down and walked around the counter. Every day I wake up at about 5, get ready, and walk to the diner to hang out with Luke while he opens. It was just after six, so I started the coffee and Luke started stuff up in the kitchen.

"How are you this morning?" Luke asks, walking out of the kitchen.

"I'm good. Tired, but good," I say.

"Why do you wake up so early?" he questions.

"The less I'm in that house the less I have to deal with them," I reply.

He pauses for a second and looks me over.

"Are you sure you're okay, Andy? I never really see your parents around. And when I do, they're hammered. Even when it's hot out, you'll come in half the time wearing long sleeves, or a jacket. I'm getting worried, and so is Lorelai," He says.

"I'm fine, Luke. You don't have to worry about me," I say, giving a small smile, but not looking up at him.

"You can talk to me if you need, Andrea, just remember that."

He walks up to me and puts his hand on my upper arm, which causes me to tense up. That's one spot I have a covered bruise. He freezes and looks where his hand is.

He lets go of my arm, but then grabs it in his left, using his right hand to lift my shirt sleeve up a little, so he can look closely at my arm. Then I notice that the makeup hasn't covered it completely, you can still see part of the purple bruise.

He lets go of me and walks back to the kitchen.

"What are you doing Luke?" I ask, going to follow him.

We meet in the doorway, and I see he has one of the table rags in his hand, damp with water. He grabs my arm again and wipes off some make up, letting more of the bruise show through in its true color.

I didn't stop him this whole time because I knew from the start that he had caught me. I can see the anger in his face and watch, as it shifts to sympathy, and sadness when he looks me in the eyes.

"Was it them?"

I nod.

"How long?"

I look to the floor, and play with the hem of my shirt, nervous habit. He lifts my chin and makes me look at him.

"How long, Andrea?" he asks.

His voice is firm, but not angry, well maybe a little, but I know it's not for me.

He gives me the 'dad' look he's used several times on me.

"A while," I mumble.

Tears well in my eyes, and he pulls me in a tight hug.

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