Last Days and Memories

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I wake up the next morning to my alarm. My body ached because of my healing bruises.

At Least I didn't have to worry about new ones. I get up and get dressed for school. Today is the last day and this afternoon is Rory's graduation.

I didn't worry about looking too nice, I can do that later. Just a pair of jeans and Jess' red shirt. It was the shirt he was wearing when Luke smashed the hole in the wall with a sledge hammer.

I laugh a little thinking about that. I remember hearing the crash from the diner. I went up to check and cought Luke on the stairs.

"What the hell was that?" I asked him.

"Go ask Jess. I'm sure he'd like some help getting his new room started," Luke reples, before leaving again.

I go up to the apartment hoping not to find a dead Jess. The loud music I could hear from downstairs is now off and I see Jess standing there with a sledge hammer.

Jess sees me and kind of freaks out.

"He just barges in here and pulls the sledge hammer out of the closet. I follow him because I don't know what he's doing then he just busts a hole in the wall."

"He mentioned it being your new room," I add.

"Yeah he told me to finish," Jess says.

"Did he say anything else?" I ask.

Jess smirks.

"He said we could all hold hands and skip later."

I laugh. That's what Jess was telling him while they were apartment hunting. Lorelai and I had both tagged along at different points trying to help. 

God. I really miss him. I finish getting ready and make my way downstairs.

"Morning, Andy," Luke says as he pours someone's coffee.

"Hey, dad," I reply.

That makes him smile, I smile too. I sit my bag behind the counter before grabbing an order pad. I write something down and hand it to Caesar.

"This is mine," I tell him.

"Alright, I'll have it out in a bit," he replies.

"Thank you."

I help out until my food is done. When I'm finished I quickly get my bag and head out. I put my hand on the door handle as I pull on my bag, but then I freeze.

I turn around and walk up to Luke. He's standing a couple tables from the door, taking Ms. Patty's order. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him on the cheek.

"Bye, Dad. I'm off," I say before leaving.

I look back at him as I walk out the door. I can tell by looking at him that he's stammering over his words. Ms. Patty is just smiling at him.

I catch both their attention as I pass the window, so I give them both a wave, which they both return.

I make it to school. School is uneventful. Most of the day was boring. I had my last couple of finals, but other than that there was nothing to do.

I had Lunch with Lane for the last time. I was going to miss seeing her at school. She was the last friend I had at school.

I was too afraid to make any other friends because of what was happening at home. Rory and I became friends when we met at Luke's.

And if I was friends with Rory I had to end up meeting Lane, so I had two friends. Then I met Jess.

I think I was one of the reasons Luke and Jess didn't end up killing each other. I help Lane clear out the last of the stuff in her locker before heading home.

Luke and I got ready and then drove to Hartford for Rory's graduation. 

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