Shopping, And..?

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Andy's POV

I wake up to the sound of Rory's alarm. It feels weird to have slept that long, but good, I feel refreshed. Normally I'd be at Luke's by now.

Rory and I get up and get ready for school. I jump in the shower and have Lorelai braid my hair into pigtails for me. I put on a red and white striped shirt and a pair of overalls and the same black converse I always wear.

Once we are all dressed Rory and I get our backpacks and head out the door. We get to Luke's and it looks busy. I go around the counter and get two mugs and the coffee pot and take them back to Lorelai and Rory.

As I pour the coffee Luke comes up behind me.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"Helping. And you can't stop me," I jokingly sass back.

"You are a weird kid Andy," He says.

"Thank you. You take their order, I'm making tea," I say before walking off.

He doesn't even try to stop me. I've done this for so long he's given up on trying to tell me I can't do something in the diner.

One time I told him I wanted brownies. He doesn't sell brownies, so I went into the kitchen and made a couple batches myself. I eat about half of one batch and then put them out on the counter for Luke to sell.

Now once a month Luke sells brownies. Because I'm stubborn, and I do what I want.

Funny enough that normally means helping when he tells me I don't have to, or doing extra stuff without telling him. That way he can't stop me.

I make my tea and sit with Lorelai and Rory.

"I have a question," Luke says, walking back up to our table.

"Yes?" I ask, taking a sip of my tea.

"Do you want to go to school and buy stuff tomorrow, or do you want to skip and head into town today?" Luke asks.

"Oh! Skip school!" I say.

"I'd like to know how you two are friends?" Lorelai says looking at me and Rory.

"Because she loves me," I say smiling at Rory.

"Am I the only reason you're passing?" Rory asks me.

"I believe so," I say, drinking more tea.

Rory is extremely smart, goes to Chilton, and will be attending Yale in the fall. I on the other hand have literally been dragged to school a few times by Rory, and once by Luke. He was not happy.

Poor Luke had to deal with both me, and Jess. I went to school far more often than Jess, but there were a select few times when I caught a ride from Jess when he was working at Walmart and kipped with him.

I was one of few people Jess tolerated. I could probably say he even liked me, though there was a fair chance he would deny around all other humans. Jess was like my big brother.

It's only been a couple of days and I already miss him, and I sadly don't think he's coming back.

"Here's your food," Luke says, handing the girls their plates.

Then he puts one down in front of me.

"I didn't order," I say confused.

"You didn't have to. I know what you like and seeing as your kind of my kids now I have to make sure you don't run off without eating. Tell me when you're done and I'll tell Caesar," he says in his grumpy voice.

"Aw, thank you Luke," I say smiling at him, talking all mushy.

He rolls his eyes at me, but gives me a slight smile. He knows I mean it, but also knows I'm doing it to bug him.

He gave me blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs. He also gave me a couple pieces of wheat toast because he knows I don't like the taste of eggs, but will eat them on toast.

"He knows me too well," I say, smiling.


Once we finish eating Rory leaves to catch her bus and Lorelai leaves for work. Luke tells Caesar not to burn the diner down and we get in his truck.

We drove into Hartford. Luke didn't like how few clothes I had, so we found astore to get bedding and he had me buy some new clothes.

I grabbed a bunch of stuff, but only got a few outfits worth of clothes. Luke tried to get me to get more, but I'm stubborn, and said no.

Luke is also very stubborn, so when I went to take the bags out to the truck he went back to get a few shirts, a couple pairs of jeans, and a dress I had put back.

He also grabbed me a pair of dark blue, high top converse. He handed me the bags when he got in the truck, keeping the shoes for last.

I look at him and tear up a little.

"Thank you," I whisper, the only volume my body will muster up at the moment.

I give him a hug and say thank you again. I pull back and stare at him for a second. He gave me a confused look because I suddenly had a serious look.

"What?" he asks.

"Well, um-" I don't know how to ask.

I look down at my lap. How do I say it? He just agreed to take me in. Is it weird to ask? So soon? So sudden? Even at all?

Luke's POV

"Andy what's wrong?" I ask her.

She gave me a serious look and the next minute she's all nervous, freaking out.

"Andrea, what is it?" I ask again.

She finally looks at me with a frown look. Then she looks at her lap again.

"Can I-" she starts.

"Would it be okay if-" she tries again.

She stops again and signs looking out the window.


"Can I call you dad?" she asks, cutting me off.

Now it's my turn to freak out and get nervous.


"I mean-"

I sign and look at her. Little Andrea Connon, who I've known for about 10 years. My soon to be daughter.

"Yeah, Andy," I say looking up at her.

She smiles and looks down again. Then she leans over and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you dad," she says.

AN // I reworked this chapter because I changed my mind on how I wanted my story line.

Originally I was going to start from season 2 and bring in Jess having Luke deal with two teens, but I decided to make the story start in season 3, between the time Jess runs off to California and when Rory starts at Yale.

I already have two stories that are heavily revolve around Jess and I want this one to be different. I will keep with the storyline of the show and bring Jess back later.

-- Izzy :)

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