Chapter 1; two months

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Word count; 1744

3rd person POV

Two months.

Two months since the FBI 'rescued' the Gladers and Scorchers.

Two months since they were -after putting up one hell of a fight- separated.

Two months since Thomas and Teresa returned to Beacon Hills.

Two months after not telling anyone anything about the Glade nor the Scorch.

Two months since getting their memories back.

Two months pretending to be Stiles and Allison again.

Two months pretending to be fine, but, Thomas already used to do that didn't he?

Two months since Scott McCall -the True Alpha- kicked Thomas and Teresa out of the pack for disappearing, thinking they ran off, not that they -the pack- know they were kidnapped nor that they -Thomas and Teresa- would tell them that.

Two months since Thomas had contact with anyone of his real friends with exception of Teresa and the other way around.

Two months without anything supernatural, but for how long?

Two months without the constant fear of WCKD getting them back.

Two months without having to be A1 and A2 but also without being Thomas and Teresa.

~at the school cafeteria~

"Hey Tom?" "Yes T?" "Should we tell them?" Teresa is clearly doubting, "who? The pack? Those shuckfaces? Are you crazy T? No. They don't deserve it." Thomas speaks in a hushed whisper, Teresa being the only who hears him.

Teresa sighs, "yeah, your right, those slintheads aren't worth it."

The bell rings, indicating the lunch break is over.

Luckily after what happened Teresa and Thomas we put in the same classes. Thomas remembers the first day back very well and laughs at the memories of all the teachers gaping at them;


"Tom? I'm scared." Teresa grabs Thomas' hand as if it's her life line and sticks to his side as glue. "We both are. It'll be alright. We have each other." He whispered in her ear, making her smile in relief before getting into Thomas' old Jeep.

As they near the parking lot the nerves were really REALLY getting the best of them. Thomas' fingers kept tapping the steering wheel and Teresa's leg kept bouncing up and down.

As they made their way to a parking spot, they saw everyone looking. They recognised the Jeep as Stiles' and he went missing -according to them- about 5 months ago.

They both took a deep breath and got out.

Some gasp, others look surprised and again others -*cough* the pack *cough*- looked pissed.

Teresa ducks into Thomas's side again and buries her face in his neck. Thomas responds with pulling her into a hug and stops walking.

"T? Look at me for a second please." Thomas asks softly, she looks up and meets his eyes. "Don't worry about those slintheads okay? I'm here with you, 'everything will be okay', remember? I won't let anything happen to you. Okay?" She nods and he pulls her even closer to him. "I'm scared too." He whispers in her ears again.

The bell rings and they walk to the office.

Thomas knocks on the door and enters after hearing a 'come in'.

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