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Ten boring things about me;

1- I'm a dark/dirty blonde (it's gold in the sunlight)

2- I'm 15 years old

3- I have 4 dogs at home

4- I have like 5 friends, I'm lonely lol

5- I swear/ curse a lot. And I really mean, a lot.

6- I'm a mix between a girly girl and a tomboy

7- I'm single (idk what else to say)

8- I'm bisexual

9- my favourite music is the emo type

10- I love depressing stories for some reason. (Yes this is a personal attack on you Shan XD)


God idk who else, oop-

Alright, my best joke... hmmmm...

Fuck, idk a joke ahaha, Kay, wait a second. I'll think really hard... hmmmm....

Fuck, sorry, y'all. Idk a joke. Sorry

A spoiler, see that I can do.

I'm gonna keep it simple, this story hasn't been published yet, but I'm gonna do that either tomorrow or the day after. The spoiler;

"History is repeating itself."

OMG that sounds so badass y'all.

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