Chapter 9; ice skating

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Omg I remember when that song came out😂⬆️

I own no song that will be mentioned.

Sorry for this short chapter and I haven't checked for errors btw

-3rd person POV-

Newt woke up in an empty bed. He frowns, he then remembers Thomas didn't spend the night in the house Jorge bought. It's Friday and school starts in 50 minutes. It takes Newt around the 10 minutes to get dressed and his hair done, not that he uses gel but he needs to comb it. It takes around another 10 minutes to make and eat his breakfast. And around the 5 minutes to get to school. He decides to take a shower since he would have more then 20 minutes to spare.

After getting out of the shower he does the rest of his normal routine.

_at school_

Newt walks into the classroom and sees Thomas in his normal seat, smiling at him.

Ethan and Jackson sat next to me.

Ethan nudged me. "Hm?" I looked up from my writing. What? I was bored in class cuz I finished already and I sometimes write poetry. "Wanna join the pack and us to go ice skating after school? Thomas, Brenda, Harriet, Sonya, Aris, Frypan, Minho, Teresa and Jorge can come too." I was happy he made the effort to learn all of our names and the offer. After all we don't really have a normal life.

I smiled. "Yeah sure. Sounds like fun."
*3rd person POV*

They were all waiting for the pack to show.

Lydia, Malia, Kira and Liam were first to show up. They greeted each other.

Later Scott, Ethan, Jackson, Erica, Boyd and Isaac showed up.

"Ready?" Erica smiles, "hell yes!" Brenda and Teresa yell.

The enter. No-one is there, Derek had hired the rink so they would be able to skate alone and in peace. Or well, so Scott wouldn't bump into someone.

Everyone quickly puts on their skates.

Thomas drags Newt towards the ice. Newt falls, Thomas giggles and helps him up. "Hey. Don't you laugh at me." Newt pouts.

"You're adorable." Thomas kisses Newt's nose.

Newt smiles and grabs Thomas' hand and they start skating and laughing.

Teresa is teaching Brenda how to skate, much like Scott did, Brenda falls almost the whole time.

Brenda pulls Teresa down with her last time she falls. They lay there on the ice laughing and looking at each other.

Isaac is trying to get Scott on the ice without falling. Scott laughs when he sees Brenda and Teresa fall once again.

"But what if I fall?!" Malia says to Kira, "hey. I won't let you fall and you heal anyway. See Thomas, Newt, Teresa and Brenda? They don't and they fall too but get up again." Kira smiles.

Minho and Aris are laughing and when Minho steps on the ice he hears Newt laugh harder then ever. They all look at why and see Thomas on the ice, he fell.

"Hey! If I can't laugh at you, you can't laugh at me either!" Thomas crosses his arms and pouts like a 5 year old.

"Oh shush Tommy. Does your hand hurt? You fell on it." Newt smiles, Thomas nods a little. Newt helps him up and kisses every inch of his hand.

"Better?" Thomas smiles and nods eagerly.

Minho smiles, he drags Aris to the ice and they watch Teresa help Brenda up again.

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