Chapter 5; they're married?!

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Word count; 1262 (bit short I know)
That picture is so true btw like that's exactly how I reacted😂🤣

I also haven't checked for errors

-3rd person POV-
~school halls~

As Thomas was laughing with Newt in his arms everyone was looking at them.

They didn't care though. They are together and that's all that matters.

Newt kept kissing Thomas' cheek to show he's Newt's, he also keeps glaring at the girls who look at Thomas like he's candy.

How dare they look like that at his Tommy? When he gets enough of those girls looking at Thomas like that, he jumps out of Thomas' arms to lift Thomas' left hand and lifts his own hand, showing their wedding rings.

Thomas sighs, "Newtie. Stop being so protective. They didn't know." "And now they do. You're mine." Thomas chuckles at his perfect husband. "Wouldn't want it any other way." He says before kissing Newts nose. Newt only smiles.

Everyone was whispering; "they're married?!" "You think they're really together?" "They're so cute!" "aww!" "Stilinski is married?" "Aren't they a little too young to be married? I mean, they're 17."

"17? Oh wait. I keep forgetting it was 5 months to them and we aren't really 22." Newt whispers to Thomas. Thomas chuckles, "me too."

"Ugh. We have PE. Can you carry me again? But this time on your back? We're gonna be late if you don't run." Newt smiles a smile that he uses when he wants Thomas to do something for him.

The best part about that smile? Thomas always gives in.

"Alright. Hop on." "Yay!" Newt jumps on Thomas' back, "hold on sweetie."

"Always." Newt smiles as he grips Thomas' shirt tightly. Thomas starts running to the locker room.

~locker room~
-still 3rd person POV-

Newt and Thomas are laughing quite loudly when they enter the locker room, Newt is also still on Thomas' back.

When Newt walks towards a locker Jackson appears. "Why do you have a limp? Did Stilinski do it?" He jokes, "I wish Whittemore. No, that limp has a different story that's not mine to tell and I don't think Newt wants to walk about it." Newt nods.

While Newt and Thomas were changing -for Thomas the first time since about 3 years in front of classmates- everyone is looking at them with their jaws dropped.

They both didn't seem bothered by it though, in fact, they keep laughing, smiling and chatting.

"The hell happened to you in those 5 months Stilinski." Newt laughs at that, "you don't think all this happened in 5 months did you? Tommy has had at least 20% of these scars before he was kidnapped."

"Wait is that why you would never change in front of us?" Scott asks, Thomas nods.

"What about you?" Jackson asks Newt, "I had one or two before I was taken. As you can clearly see, Tommy has more then me."

"Doesn't make you less perfect." Thomas says making Newt blush.

"Get a room you shanks." Minho laughs as he walks in, "we're married Min-Min. Be glad we're not kissing."

"Okay yeah I am glad about that." Scott looks confused, "it always feels like you see your parents kissing." Minho explains, "oh. Wait why does it feel like that?"

"You wolves have a pack mom right? Well Newt is ours so that makes Tommy our 'dad'. Who was your pack mom by the way? I'm curious now." Minho elaborates and asks, Scott sighs sadly. "Stiles was."

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