Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The sunlight peaks through the shutters as I reluctantly open my eyes.

How did I get in my bed?

All the memories of last night came flooding at once when I tried to recollect what happened.

He carried me?!?!?!!?! That's so embarrassing!

I sit in my room having a mini meltdown before I decide to head downstairs. After grabbing a quick slice of toast. I hurry on over to finish my painting so I can sell it to my client.

I spend a couple more hours in the room I paint in until finally it's finished.

"I'm done." I say. A head pops up behind me. I turn to Jimin as he looks at my finished work. His tail starts swinging back and forth as his eyes glaze over every single detail. I watch his face turn to awe as he looks at me.

"You made this?" he says stunned.

I laugh, "Yeah silly. You were watching me the whole time."

"But I wasn't looking at the painting." He mumbles thinking I won't hear. I struggle to keep a straight face trying to calm my panicking heart.

I call my client as Jimin continues to gawk at the painting.

"The customer is going to come in a couple days to pick it up. In the meantime, I need to head to the supplies store and grab some more paint." I start to grab my keys and wallet and head towards the door, but I stop for a second.

Jimin stood there watching me about to leave. He had this look that he wanted to say something but he was holding back. His ears turned back and forth as if thinking deeply to himself.

I remove my hands from the doorknob.

"Jimin?" I say, his eyes meeting mine, "Do you want to come with me?" I smile warmly at him as I hold my hand out for him to choose. His tail swishes back and forth unsure if he still wants to go.

"Oh, come on. My arm is getting tired over here." I complain to him. Jimin finally takes a step forward and takes my hand. The feeling of his warm hand sends a tingly feeling up my arm as I pull him along with me.

"It's not too crowded right?" He asks quietly as we get into the car. I shake my head as I turn the ignition on.

"The store barely has people in it. We'll be in and out just like that."

We make our way along the aisles. I grab lots of art supplies and put them in my basket. Jimin would stop me every once and while and ask me what different things were for. It was nice having somebody interested in what you were doing. The attention made me feel important and special, even if it was just him.

Both of us stop at the different paint colors. I turn to him.

"What should I paint next!" I eagerly waited for him to say something.

"You want me to pick?" he asks unsurely.

I nodded my head promptly. "I want to know what you'd want me to paint."

He thinks really hard for a moment. And I mean really hard. His tail is moving quite fast for such a simple decision I think.

"Do you know how to do a landscape?" He asks me. I gasp in excitement and start grabbing colors off the shelves.

"It's been a while since I've done one. It would be fun to do more of those!" I say grabbing a bunch of greens and blues.

I know exactly what I want to paint and I plan on impressing Jimin with all I have.

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