Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Tell me where the the fucking codes are!


I'll slice up that pretty face of yours.


Scream and I'll slice your neck.

"Miss Y/n?"


"Miss Y/n?!"

Don't think about it.



Don't think about it



Don't think about it


I blink. My eyes focus on the man in front of me. He looked at me with concern and pity. My eyes glaze over the room I was in. Trying to remember why I'm here. How did I get here?

"Could you repeat what he asked you?" asks the man.


"The intruder."

I'll slice your neck.

" wanted codes."

"What codes?"

"I don't know Sir." The man writes down some notes, sometimes looking me over. He looked familiar. What was his name? Jeon? I think so. That makes sense.

He asked me a couple more questions but I just wanted to leave. I felt so tired and worn out. Everything felt like a blur. I just wanted to go back home.

"Alright miss. I think that's all we need for now. We will be contacting you in a couple days for some follow up questions as well as an update on the investigation at your house." Mr. Jeon says, finally wrapping up.

"Where's Jimin?" I ask immediately.

"Hm? Oh your hybrid will be released shortly. I believe they are almost done speaking to him." Mr. Jeon leaves to attend some other investigation. I get up hesitantly.

As I make my way to the waiting room I see my parents sitting eagerly. It was well into the night and the police station was practically empty. My eyes felt tired and I struggled to focus properly in the dim light of the station.

"Y/n!" I hear my mom exclaim before she rushes over to me, "Are you okay? I was so worried! They didn't let me see you until they were done. Are you hurt anywhere?!" She starts checking me all over and notices the small cut on my cheek.

"Oh my!" She cries. I feel a searing pain in my head prompting me to hold on to my mother.

"..My head hurts." I mention weakly.

"The car is ready outside." My dad gestures to the doors. My parents started to usher me out, but I stopped when I heard a familiar voice. My feet stopped in their tracks, my mom stood there confused. I heard his voice again and my heart pounds inside of me with longing.

Still slightly unstable I manage to turn to the voice behind me and meet his worrisome eyes. A sharp breath fills my lungs as I faintly reach for him. He rushed over to me instantly, I buried my face into his neck inhaling his familiar scent.

He pulls me closer whispering into my ear, "Are you okay?" I only softly shake my head, not feeling like responding verbally.

A rough cough is heard behind us and me and Jimin hesitantly let go of each other. We all slowly walk to the car as I steadily hold on to Jimin as he helps support my body. The car starts as we slowly make our way to my parents house. My body felt so tired after staying up for so long and going through everything that has happened in the past couple of hours

"Can...can I use your shoulder?" I ask Jimin quietly. He immediately nods his head and I snuggle closer to him resting my head on his shoulder. His hand wraps around mine softly drawing circles and lightly squeezing. A faint smile draws on my lips as I recall the time I did the same to him.

Everyone is silent for the rest of the car ride. All you could hear was the deep rumbling of the car and the crickets in the night. Before I even knew it, we had arrived at my parents house. Just as I was about to get out, a pair of arms slip underneath me and I get pulled towards a familiar body. Not having the strength to argue, I let Jimin carry me all the way to my old room in my parents house. The whole walk up I shifted in and out of consciousness while hearing some distasteful mumbling coming from my parents. Something along the lines of "Why is he like that?" and "Are they normally like this?"

The scent of old wood filled my lungs as I struggled to open my eyes. I came into contact with the soft mattress I once knew so well and I felt myself drowning into sleep. 

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Inheritance - PJM ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon