Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

His lips press against mine and I feel lost all over again.

A growl can be heard from the doorway.


My hand immediately pushes Hoseok away, but before I could say something, I fall back on the floor watching Jimin pin him against the adjacent wall.

"Jimin!" I gasp, "Wait! I can explain!"

His forearm is pressed tightly against Hoseok's neck, practically choking him. Hoseok tries to pull Jimin's arm off, but he only gets shoved back harder. I could hear his body slam each time against the wall.

His eyes darken and he snarls again, "Stay away from her!"

"She...she doesn't b-belong to y-you," Hoseok chokes out.

I stand firmly this time, trying to calm my voice enough so that they can hear me.

My teeth clench, "Jimin. Let. Him. Go."

His eyes snap to mine trying to read me like a book and I nearly shiver under his gaze. His fangs inched out of his mouth as he sent a glare towards me.

"Jimin," I call his name again, almost pleading.

Reluctantly he pulls back, letting go his hold of Hoseok. His hands remain in fists to his side while low growls emit from his voice towards me.

I gulp as I look back and forth between his eyes.

He was hurt. He was hurt because of me.

But before I could say anything else, a fist flies straight into the side of Jimin's face, sending him to the floor. Hoseok rubs his neck where a bruise has formed.

I felt anger fuming inside of me, "Hoseok!-"

"That.." he breathes, "..was for choking me."

"Y/n? What's going on here?" My mother walks through the front door late to the scene.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Beside me, Hoseok and Jimin look like they are going to have another fight in the center of the living room, "Mom, take Taehyung and go to the kitchen. I'll explain in a minute."

She quietly helps Taehyung up, shuffling away from the three of us.

Hoseok glares at Jimin who refuses to look back at him. His eyes are instead on me, staring me down with frustration and hate.

He clenches his jaw tightly, "Why is he here? Why are you hurt?" Jimin demands. I try to think for a moment, so I can formulate my words correctly, but Hoseok speaks first.

"She doesn't have to answer you. She's-"

Jimin stands up, "You're the reason she's hurt! I know you and your people. Pretending like you're not one of those filthy low life bastards-"

I pull Jimin back, "What the hell are you talking about Jimin!?"

"He's one of them. He's with the people who've been trying to kill us for the past month," Jimin growls.

I furrow my eyebrows, "That can't be true. It doesn't make any sense." My eyes look back at Hoseok for agreement, but he hesitates a little, not saying anything.

"Hoseok?" My voice cracks.

"I was going to tell you Y/n. I swear. But you have to trust me. I-" Before he can say anything Jimin grasps the collar of Hoseok's shirt.

"Wait, Jimin!" I try to stop him.

"He's been lying to you, Y/n! He's been lying the whole time." Jimin refuses to let go of his collar.

"You're hiding things too Jimin," Hoseok spits back, "I knew Seojoon way before you were his hybrid. You're not telling Y/n something."

Jimin lets go of Hoseok's shirt and takes a couple steps back, flattening his ears and closing his eyes trying to calm himself.

"Hoseok," he looks at me with slight guilt, "What do you know."

He breathes out, "A long time ago, I was a part of the Crimson Ghosts. I was having money problems as a kid out on the streets. I spent years with them, eventually meeting your brother. He got me out of there when it got messy. I've owed him since that day."

Jimin's ears lift up again, carefully listening to Hoseok's explanation.

"I've been let's say... reconnecting... with some people I used to know. Trying to figure out why there was a giant target on your back, Y/n." I tilt my head to the side, still taken aback.

"That's where you've been?"

He nods, "I couldn't be caught, so I left Taehyung at home and gave him my emergency cell. I've been off the radar, talking to people who've been on this city's wanted list for years. It wasn't safe to be present outside."

Hoseok runs his hand through his hair, frustratedly letting out a sigh, "They're after money. Not just any money. Money that Seojoon owed them. A large amount too."

I look at him with confusion while he speaks, "They have information on some sort of code. There are rumours and gossip. Nobody really knows, but Seojoon left almost a 'treasure map' to his secret fortune."

Jimin growls, "He's lying. The codes don't exist! That's complete bullshit!" He looks at me, his eyes begging me to believe him.

My eyes meet Jimin's, " knew about this?"

He opens his mouth but Hoseok speaks again.

"He's hiding things, Y/n. He knows all about it. He was Seojoon's hybrid after all. I know the Chief of Police, Jeon Jungkook. He knows all about this and is working on the case as we speak."

I curiously look back at Hoseok, wanting more answers.

"Why are you doing this Hoseok? Why are you doing all of this?"

He pauses for a second before speaking, "I said I owed your brother didn't I?" He takes my hand in his, "By protecting you, I'm repaying this debt. I'm getting you out of this mess, it's the least I can do after he saved my life back then."

I was half expecting Jimin to push him away from me, but instead I see him standing incredibly still with his head hanging low.

I step towards him, "Jimin, I want to know. I want to hear-" He takes a step back.

"You won't understand. I-I have to go." He turns away from us and runs straight out the door.

My eyes widen as I try to run after him, "Wait! Jimin! Please don't-" Hoseok grabs my arm back.

"He'll come back. Just give him some time to gather his thoughts."

I feel the tears escaping my eyelids, "I've given him time Hoseok! He..he won't open up to me," my voice slowly turns into a choked cry, "I'm so worried about him."

Hoseok pulls me into a hug, my hands grabbing onto the fabric of his shirt. He tries to calm me down by patting my back, but I felt little comfort. 

I silently prayed he would come back soon.

I didn't want him to leave me. 

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