Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

My eyes violently snap open. I feel a searing pain around my neck and forehead. Black and white dots, blur my vision. The cold concrete floor scrapes against my skin as I pull myself up.

"Where the hell am I?" This clunky weight rests against my neck. My hands reach to touch the object.

A voice warns me, "I wouldn't touch that if I were you."

My eyes look up to a hybrid with a scar slashed across his face. There are blood stains on his clothes and a corner of his ear is missing.

Metal bars are wedged between the two of us. I try to push myself up, but my head bumps against the cold roof of the box I'm caged in.

I frantically look around trying to figure out what happened.

"I saw them bring you here last night," the cold voice of the hybrid beside me comments.

"Who?" I demand.

His eyes simply stare back, unable to respond.

Shouts echo from across the room we are in. A painful ringing noise shot through my temple.

"Where is she! I told you guys to make sure that monster doesn't damage her!"

Before I knew it, I was being dragged out of the cage. A hand holds a death grip on the ends of my hair, ripping the roots out of my scalp.

"Let go of me!" I scream. They only pull harder.

They shove me to the ground and I feel a hard kick towards my side. A cry escapes my lips and more pain shoots through my nerves.

"Where is Seojoon's money!" A frustrated voice growls.

It takes a minute for the words to register in my mind. Another kick is sent towards my stomach.

"I...I don't know where it is.." I sputter.

He pulls me by the hair again, "Lying isn't going to help you."

I spit back, "Hurting me isn't going to help you either."

His face contorts before wrapping his hands around my neck. My eyes go wide as I desperately try to hold on to the air in my lungs. The blood rushes to my face and I feel my senses start to spin.

The grip lets go of me, the man takes a few steps back. I painfully cough, feeling the air return to my lungs.

From behind me, I hear shuffling.

"Y/n!" There's a familiar cry, "Leave her alone! She doesn't know anything! Please, don't hurt her!"

I try to turn around, but my arms give up on themselves.

"Shut the fuck up, half-breed."

The sound of chains rattle and scrape across the floor.

"Jimin?" A whisper leaves my lips.

"Why are you here?!" I hear his choked cry, "Why did you look for me?!"

I want to reach towards him so badly but my limbs constantly fail me.

A deep voice lashes out at us, "Somebody is going to start talking, otherwise she's not going to make it out of here alive."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her bastard!" Jimin shouts.

A jolting pain shoots down from my neck and across my skin. Muscles contract and my body seizes up, the pain feels unbearable. A scream escapes my lungs while the electricity invades my senses.

"NO!!" Jimin growls, pulling against the chains holding him back, but they secure him tightly

I try to speak, but I only manage to mouth unrecognizable words at him. The episode of pain ceases, allowing me to breath. Tears fall to the floor and my body twitches from the shock.

"That was the lowest setting. I wonder how much longer you'll last," says a mocking voice.

Go to hell.

Jimin growls and hisses trying to break free, "I know where it is!" He shouts.

No, Jimin. Please.

I hear the fear and pain in his voice, "Please! Let her go, I'll tell you where it is!"

A sarcastic chuckle rings from the side, "Oh we're keeping her for assurance. You've led us to many dead ends half breed."

Jimin huffs, "I...I can't lie about this."

I drag myself to the side so I can see him. His face is bruised with blue and purple wounds and his clothes are painted with fresh blood. Our eyes meet and I feel a few tears drip down the side of my face.

He hesitantly opens his mouth, "It's etched on my skin. Those fucking codes are branded on me permanently!" He looks at me with a guilty expression, "It's true...Master Seojoon left his money in the inheritance. A sick joke."

Several whispers crowd around us. They rip his shirt apart revealing a peculiar scar over his heart. I try to recollect if I've ever noticed the clearly written numbers onto his skin but the only time I've seen his scars was that first day.

"Find out where those coordinates are!" somebody yells.

Foreign hands grab on me, dragging my body back into the cage I was in. I hear my name being called from a distance.

"Y/n! What are you doing with her!"

The effects from the electric shocks started to fade away as I crawled up into a sitting position. A few feet in front of me I see them shove Jimin into a similar cage.

"Get ready. We're going to have to move fast before the Ghosts find out." A voice remarks.

A laugh resonates, "They aren't even close to knowing where the money is! The mutts bred at this facility have got them too preoccupied."

"Not too loud. We don't want others to hear."

My eyes meet Jimin's from across the room. Tears start to fall to the floor as I weakly pull myself to the edge of the cage.

"You're alive," I mouth to him. He bites his lip trying to stop himself from crying.

"I'm sorry.." his eyes form a crescent shape, "I'm so sorry, Y/n." His hands tremble from inside the cage.

I shake my head wishing that I could just reach him.

"I love you."

He breaks down when he sees my lips move. Gut wrenching sobs suffocate his lungs. He hands firmly grip on to the bars of the cage, tears continuously falling down the side of his face.

My hands cover my mouth and my lungs heaving hard under the helplessness of the situation.

"We have the location ready," an excited voice chips.

Gleeful laughters and snickers fill the room.

"What are we waiting for?" 

Are you excited??? I'm so excited! 

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Are you excited??? I'm so excited! 

Thanks for reading!!

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