Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next day I had to stay up late finishing another piece of work. My paint brush glosses over the small strokes I had laid previously. My color palette was a jumbled mess of brown as all the colors seemed to mesh into one. A sigh of relief escapes me as I set the brushes aside and put the palette down. Finally, I was done. It was pitch black outside the window and I began to pick up all my used materials to clean in the sink. As I was cleaning, I thought about going out somewhere tomorrow with Jimin. Perhaps he could meet some other friendly hybrids. I could bring him to the Hybrid Center where Hoseok works.

Oh shit.

I totally forgot to call back Hoseok. In all honesty, I totally forgot about what I was gonna do. I'll just tell him I want to stay friends. Right? Is that the right thing to do? I started washing the brushes in the sink while moving the hair out of my face.

I'll call him after I'm done. Wait, no it's too late. I looked at the clock and it was almost 1 am. He'll kill me if I call him now. Tomorrow, yeah, tomorrow is best. I can take Jimin with me to the Hybrid Center and then I can tell him then. Right. Okay. This will work.

After washing the brushes and drying them I head back to the painting studio. I hear tapping across the hallway of the house. I look outside and see the wind riling up the leaves of the trees and slightly shaking the glass in the dim light of the fading moon. Absentmindedly, I make my way up the stairs and to my room. The door was left open.

Too lazy to turn the lights on I crawl over to my bed and slump over grasping the blankets. Man I should really sleep earlier. I stacked all the blankets I could've possibly had on top of me but the cold still seeped through the small fibers. I tossed and turned for a couple of seconds trying to snuggle further into the blankets but nothing seemed to be working. To my right I notice the window slightly open allowing for the chilly breeze to enter my room. I made up my mind after a couple minutes of taking the cold to close that window. Normally I don't leave it open like that.

My fingers steadily push down on the edge until I hear a click assuring that it locked properly. I look up after closing the window only to see an outlined figure behind my reflection.

My heart thumps loudly as I turn around as quickly as I could. A hand reaches for my face and my body presses back against the window seal. A sharp coldness touches my neck and I freeze daring not to move.

My eyes widen at the man in front of me. I find myself staring right into the eyes of the intruder.

"Scream and I'll slice your neck."

Tears start pooling in my eyes. My arms begin to shake and I try to hold myself up with a grip on the window, but my legs start to tremble as well.

"T-take whatever-r y-you want-t" I breathe out slowly. My voice doesn't come out more than a slight whisper.

"Tell me where the fucking codes are." He growls at me. My eyes shut in fear.

"I don't know any codes!" Tears start flowing from my eyes and a small yelp comes from my mouth as his hand wraps around my throat.

"If you don't start talking, I'll slice up that pretty face of yours so you won't be able to go outside ever again."

A sob breaks from my mouth as his grip tightens around my throat. I start choking on my cries and his grip causing more tears to fall. His knife gets dangerously close to my skin that it even burns as I feel it push into my cheek. I start begging and pleading to the man. Anything to stop him.

My eyes become so blurry that I can't even see what's in front of me. Only seconds later I hear the door slam open and feel the grip on me release. My legs give away and I slide down to the floor. My eyes look up to the scene in front of me.

The man hovers over Jimin while Jimin tries to hold back his wrists. The knife pointed straight into his heart. After regaining some breath, I drag myself over to the nightstand where my phone was and I start dialing the police.

The two of them roll over throwing punches and slamming each other to the wall and the floor.

"Get the hell off me half-breed!" The man's voice drips with venom. He tosses the knife to the side and pulls out a gun out of his holster.

Jimin grabs his arm and slams his elbow into his gut causing the man to grunt in pain and let go of his gun. In one swift motion I watched in terror as Jimin grabbed the gun. The man recovers and charges forward towards Jimin with another knife ready in his hand.

"You fucking piece of-"

A scream escapes my throat as a gunshot rings through the house.

My phone finally stops ringing and a voice speaks, "What's your emergency?"

The man was still on the floor while a streak of blood and splatter was plastered on the walls. His face was frozen in place, death looming around the body. Everything was still except the ticking of the clock on the wall.

What terrified me even more was the hybrid standing to the left of the body. His hand firmly grasped the gun. His head hung low, but his form was perfect. Almost as if he's shot a man before. He stood showing no hint of emotion and looked at the corpse as if he didn't just kill a man.

"What's your emergency?"

My voice comes back to me as I answer finally. "A..a man broke into my house and assaulted me."

"What is your address?"

I provide all the information and I wait for the police to come. The night is still dark and I huddle in the corner trying to calm myself. Nothing seems to work as I choke out a cry.

All I can think about was how the man was so close to killing me and killing Jimin and the blood. Oh all the blood in this room. His mangled face and the gun and the dead body just a few feet away from me. There's just so much blood. Everywhere.

The walls feel suffocating around my skin as I start to sob so violently that my lungs and voice burn. I hear the faint voice of the operator trying to calm me but I can't hear any of her words. Even my ears start ringing to the same deafening tune of the gun. All that's left over is the ticking of the clock above.

Before I can even register anything in my mind, I feel a warm body pull me into a tight embrace. I continue to sob in his hold as he lightly traces circles on my back. The more I cried, the tighter he'd hold me. I tucked my face into his shirt as my tears continued to flow.

"Don't think about it." I hear his voice mumble into my ear. Something about his tone was calming. Relaxing. I try hard not to imagine all the gore and details of how his veiny hand wrapped so tightly around my throat and his piercing knife pressed up against my face and how it was pointed straight towards Jimin's chest and of how the man jerked back with a bloody hole in the center of his forehead as his face contorted and froze in anguish.

The memories just seem to resurface again and again in my mind as another cry comes from my sore throat. This time, I feel a warm vibration from the hybrid. He lets out a low purr trying to calm me down. His hand softly rubbing up and down my back. Eventually my cries become hushed as I relax to his warm purrs like a lullaby.

I look at the window and notice the tapping of the rain against the house. I pressed myself closer to Jimin. Just wanting to get away from this. Just wishing that this was all an awful nightmare. 

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