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I'm Keyah Ayasha Fajardo, a twenty-three-year-old call center agent navigating the intricacies of love and trust in the bustling metropolis of Manila. The sterile glow of fluorescent lights bathed the office in an artificial sheen, casting long shadows across the rows of cubicles that lined the room. The rhythmic hum of computer fans and the distant chatter of colleagues created a backdrop of white noise, punctuated only by the occasional ring of a telephone.

My fingers danced across the keyboard, navigating the maze of customer inquiries with practiced ease. Yet beneath the surface, a sense of unease simmered, fueled by the lingering uncertainty surrounding my relationship with JP.

"Keyah, kamusta na kayo ni JP?" Hena's voice pierced through the monotony of the office, drawing my attention away from the glowing computer screen in front of me. Her almond-shaped eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned over the partition separating our workspaces, her inquiry laced with a hint of concern.

A faint crease formed between my brows as I considered her question.

"Hindi pa nga natawag eh," I replied, my voice tinged with disappointment. The memory of JP's promise to call lingered in the back of my mind, a small flicker of hope in an otherwise uncertain landscape.

"Hay! Naku! Baka naman may babae yang boyfriend mo," Mel interjected, her lips curling into a mischievous grin as she joined the conversation. Her caramel-colored curls bobbed with each animated gesture, adding a sense of playfulness to her words.

I couldn't suppress a frown at the suggestion, the knot of unease in my stomach tightening with each passing moment.

"Di naman siguro, na ngako naman siya eh," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness. Despite the lingering doubt gnawing at the edges of my mind, I clung to the fragile belief in JP's fidelity.

But BJ, with his penchant for drama and flair, wasn't about to let the matter rest.

"Hindi kaba nagdududa? Porket nangako, hindi na ulit gagawin," he chimed in, his voice dripping with skepticism.

His exaggerated gestures and flamboyant demeanor only served to amplify the sense of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air.

I let out a weary sigh, the weight of doubt pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket.

"Sincere naman siya eh at isa pa baka busy lang yun sa trabaho nun," I reasoned, my words sounding feeble even to my own ears.

Desperate to quell the rising tide of anxiety threatening to engulf me, I grasped at any semblance of reassurance I could find.

But Hena, ever the voice of reason, wasn't convinced. "Ewan ko ba sayo, nagpapaka martyr ka diyan sa babaero mong boyfriend," she scoffed, her tone laced with a mixture of exasperation and concern.

Her blunt honesty cut through the facade of optimism I had carefully constructed, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Mel nodded in agreement, her expression one of weary resignation.

"Sincere or not, actions speak louder than words, Keyah," she pointed out, her words carrying the weight of bitter experience. It was a harsh truth I was reluctant to acknowledge, but one that resonated deeply nonetheless.

As the conversation drew to a close, I retreated back to my desk, the sense of unease lingering like a stubborn shadow. Little did I know, the events that would unfold later that day would shatter the fragile facade of trust I had desperately clung to, leaving me reeling in the wake of betrayal.

The hours stretched on, each passing minute weighted with anticipation and apprehension. I tried to bury myself in my work, to distract myself from the gnawing sense of unease that lingered in the pit of my stomach. But try as I might, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

As the clock ticked closer to the end of the workday, my nerves grew increasingly frayed, my mind consumed with thoughts of JP and the unanswered questions that swirled around him like a dense fog.

Finally, the shrill ring of the telephone shattered the oppressive silence, signaling the end of another long day. With a sense of trepidation, I gathered my things and made my way out of the office, my thoughts consumed by the impending confrontation that awaited me.

Outside, the streets of Manila stretched out before me, a chaotic tapestry of lights and sounds that seemed to mirror the tumultuous state of my mind. I hailed a passing taxi and settled into the backseat, the cool leather providing little comfort against the storm of emotions raging within me.

As the taxi wound its way through the bustling streets, I found myself lost in thought, my mind consumed by memories of happier times with JP. But beneath the surface, a nagging sense of doubt lingered, casting a shadow over the once bright future we had envisioned together.

By the time I arrived home, darkness had fallen over the city, cloaking everything in an inky shroud of night. With a heavy heart, I made my way up to the apartment I shared with JP, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on me with each step.

As I reached the door, I hesitated, my hand hovering uncertainly over the handle. A part of me wanted to burst through the door and confront JP head-on, to demand answers to the questions that had been plaguing me for so long. But another part of me feared what I might find on the other side, dreaded the possibility that my worst fears might be realized.

As I reached home, my heart felt heavy with a mix of emotions. I stood before the door, hesitating to step inside, uncertain of what awaited me on the other side. Finally, I took a deep breath and turned the key in the lock, pushing the door open slowly.

"Keyah, you're home early," JP's voice greeted me from the living room, his tone laced with surprise.

"Yeah," I replied tersely, my voice barely above a whisper as I stepped into the apartment.

He looked up from the book he was reading, concern furrowing his brow as he took in my somber expression. "Is everything okay?"

I hesitated for a moment, the words catching in my throat as I struggled to find the right way to broach the subject. "We need to talk," I finally managed to say, my voice trembling slightly.

JP's expression shifted, a flicker of apprehension crossing his features as he set the book aside and turned his full attention to me. "What's going on, Keyah? You're scaring me."

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what was to come. "I found the letter, JP," I said quietly, my voice barely above a whisper as I held up the envelope I had found on the coffee table.

His eyes widened in shock, a flash of guilt flickering across his features before he quickly composed himself. "Keyah, I can explain," he began, his voice strained with emotion as he reached out to take my hand.

But I pulled away, the sting of betrayal coursing through me like a knife to the heart. "Save it, JP. I don't want to hear your excuses," I replied, my voice trembling with anger and hurt.

Tears welled up in his eyes, his shoulders slumping in defeat as he realized the depth of his mistake. "I'm so sorry, Keyah. I never meant to hurt you," he said softly, his voice thick with remorse.

But his words fell on deaf ears, the pain too raw and too fresh for forgiveness. Without another word, I turned and made my way to the bedroom, closing the door behind me with a soft click.

Alone in the darkness, I let the tears fall freely, the weight of my grief washing over me like a tidal wave. In that moment, all I could do was mourn the loss of what we once had, and try to find the strength to move forward, one step at a time.

Maybe This Time (Time Series #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now