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Days had drifted like whispers in the wind since JP's heartfelt proposal, each passing moment steeped in a newfound sweetness and tender care from him. His gestures seemed to carry an extra layer of affection, his words dripping with sincerity and love. It was as though the universe itself had conspired to amplify the tenderness between us, weaving a delicate tapestry of affection and devotion that bound our hearts ever closer.

"I'll come to pick you up later, Hon," JP said, his voice tinged with warmth as he dropped me off at work.

"Sure thing, Hon. I'll wait for you in the parking lot," I replied, planting a soft kiss on his cheek before making my way into the bustling office building.

A sense of euphoria enveloped me, casting a radiant glow upon my demeanor that did not escape the notice of my coworkers.

"Good morning!" I greeted Hena, Mel, and BJ with an infectious smile as I entered the office, the ring on my finger catching the light and sparkling with a newfound brilliance.

"Good morning! You seem to be in unusually high spirits today," Hena observed, a curious twinkle in her eye.

"Did something special happen?" BJ inquired, her interest piqued.

I couldn't contain my joy any longer, raising my right hand to display the shimmering ring nestled on my finger.

"OMG!!! Congratulations, girl!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices ringing with genuine happiness as they enveloped me in a flurry of excited embraces.

"Keep it down, you two!" I laughed, gently chiding them as their exuberance threatened to draw the attention of our other coworkers.

"So, spill the beans! When's the big day?" Mel asked eagerly, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Last week," I revealed with a grin, relishing the opportunity to share my happiness with my closest friends.

"Really? That's amazing! Congratulations!" Mel exclaimed, her joy mirroring my own as she enveloped me in another tight hug.

"Even after all the hardships he put you through, here you are, engaged to him," Hena remarked, her tone tinged with concern as she regarded me with a mixture of admiration and apprehension.

"I hope I find someone as devoted as JP someday," BJ mused wistfully, her gaze drifting off into the distance as she contemplated her own romantic aspirations.

"You'll find your perfect match in due time, BJ. Just be patient," I reassured her, reaching out to squeeze her hand affectionately.

As we returned to our respective tasks, the familiar hum of productivity filled the air, each of us immersed in our own duties as we navigated through the day's workload with practiced efficiency.

With a collective sigh of relief, we finally emerged from the depths of our tasks, the weight of responsibility momentarily lifted from our shoulders as we exchanged relieved glances with one another.

"Thank goodness that's over," BJ exclaimed, her voice tinged with exhaustion as she reached for her makeup bag to freshen up.

"At least today wasn't as hectic as last week, when we were practically working overtime to meet deadlines," I remarked, a hint of gratitude lacing my words as I reflected on the comparative ease of our workload.

"Shall we grab a bite to eat?" Hena suggested, her stomach growling audibly as if in agreement with her proposal.

"Absolutely," I concurred, eager to indulge in some much-needed sustenance after a long day of work.

"Count me in," Mel chimed in enthusiastically, her eyes alight with anticipation at the thought of a delicious meal.

With our decision unanimous, we made our way to a nearby Korean restaurant, the tantalizing aroma of grilled meats and savory spices wafting through the air as we stepped inside.

"Let's order a feast," BJ declared, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the extensive menu spread out before us.

"I couldn't agree more," I replied, scanning the menu with eager anticipation as my stomach rumbled in anticipation of the culinary delights that awaited us.

Before long, our table was laden with an assortment of meats, vegetables, and condiments, the sizzle of the grill mingling with the lively chatter of our conversation as we eagerly set to work preparing our meal.

"This is absolutely divine," Hena exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight as she savored the first bite of her perfectly grilled meat.

"I couldn't agree more," Mel echoed, her enthusiasm mirrored by the contented smiles that adorned our faces as we indulged in the feast before us.

As we ate, our conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by bursts of laughter and shared anecdotes that served to strengthen the bond between us.

Suddenly, Mel's voice cut through the animated chatter, her tone tinged with excitement as she pointed towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"Keyah! Isn't that JP over there?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief as she nudged me urgently.

I turned to follow her gaze, my heart skipping a beat as I caught sight of the familiar figure standing near the entrance, his presence sending a jolt of recognition coursing through my veins.

"That can't be him," I muttered, my mind struggling to reconcile the image before me with the reality of JP's recent proposal.

"But it looks just like him," Hena insisted, her eyes narrowing as she studied the figure intently.

"I don't know," I replied uncertainly, my gaze flickering back and forth between my friends and the mysterious figure standing across the room.

Before I could process any further, the woman accompanying the figure let out a piercing cry, her voice slicing through the air like a knife as she called out to him.

"JP! Babe!"

My heart plummeted at the sound of her words, a sinking sensation settling in the pit of my stomach as I watched in disbelief.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as the reality of the situation washed over me like a tidal wave, leaving me reeling in its wake.

I felt as though I were frozen in place, my mind struggling to process the scene unfolding before me as a thousand questions raced through my mind, each one more painful than the last.

"Could you please just be quiet?" I whispered hoarsely, my voice barely above a whisper as I fought to contain the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

I felt a surge of anger rising within me, hot and pulsating as it coursed through my veins, threatening to consume me from within.

But beneath the anger, there was something else, something far more insidious and far more devastating.

Beneath the anger, there was hurt. A deep, gnawing ache that seemed to consume me from the inside out, leaving me hollow and empty in its wake.

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as I struggled to maintain my composure in the face of overwhelming despair.

I couldn't bear to witness any more, couldn't bear to see the man I loved with another woman, couldn't bear to see the shattered remnants of the life we had built together.

With a heavy heart, I rose from my seat, my movements slow and deliberate as I made my way towards the exit, the echoes of my friends' voices fading into the distance as I left them behind.

I didn't know where I was going, didn't know what I would do when I got there. All I knew was that I needed to get away, to escape


Maybe This Time (Time Series #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now