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As the day began, I woke up early knowing I had work today, and we weren't allowed to miss more than two days without a valid reason. I headed straight to the bathroom to shower. After finishing my shower, I emerged from my room, ready to go. But to my surprise, JP had prepared breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hon, care for some breakfast? Please," JP asked, his tone soft and hopeful.

"Sure," I replied simply, feeling a pang of hunger and noticing JP's smile of relief.

We ate in silence, neither of us speaking until we finished our meals.

"Hon, let me drive you," he offered.

"No, I'll just take a taxi," I insisted.

"I'll drive you!" JP insisted back.

"I said I can manage, okay?!" I snapped, abruptly closing the door behind me. It was frustrating.

As I arrived at my workplace, I dove straight into my tasks, deliberately ignoring everyone around me. I continued working until I realized it was time to head home.

Finally, work was over. "Thank goodness," I thought to myself.

"Keyah! What happened? You didn't come in yesterday?" Hena greeted me as I walked in.

"Nothing, just had a headache," I replied.

"Wanna go to the mall later?" BJ chimed in.

"Not today, I'm tired," I declined.

"Alright, we'll go ahead then. Take care!" Mel bid farewell as they left.

Suddenly, a craving for Starbucks hit me, so I decided to stop by before heading home.

"Good evening, Ma'am. What's your order?" the cashier asked.

"One caramel macchiato and one chocolate cake," I ordered.

"Take out or dine-in, Ma'am?"

"Take out!"

"Alright, that will be 487 pesos, Ma'am."

Handing over the money, I collected my order and left. But I was still hungry, so I decided to grab some fast food before heading home.

Arriving home, I found JP there, as usual, with his mistress.

I set down my food, intending to have a movie marathon later. After a quick half-bath and changing into a tank top and shorts, I settled into the living room, turning on the TV and dimming the lights.

"Hehehe, movie time," I chuckled to myself, indulging in the moment.

After finishing my food and watching a movie, I was about to head out when I heard voices.

"Babe, what if your girlfriend is here?" the woman asked.

"She's not here, babe. The lights are off," JP replied.

I tried to hide in the shadows, not wanting them to see me, but I could still see them. My heart broke as JP kissed the woman, and I had to shut my eyes, not wanting to witness anything more.

Why couldn't I muster the strength to confront them? Why did I feel so powerless against JP? Why did this keep happening?

There was nothing left for me to do but watch them until they went into our bedroom together.

Quickly, I grabbed my belongings, including the keys to my car. I needed to see Zander now. I needed him.

I drove recklessly to Zander's bar, my vision blurry from crying all the way there.

Maybe This Time (Time Series #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now