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The city lights flickered as Keyah walked away from the shattered remnants of an eight-year relationship. The betrayal weighed heavily on her heart, yet her love for JP held her captive, making forgiveness a repetitive act in the face of continuous infidelity. As the clock ticked down to their sixth year, the cracks in their bond widened, exposing a depth of deceit that Keyah could no longer endure.

JP's unfaithfulness became a haunting refrain, a melody of heartbreak that echoed through the corridors of their shared history. Keyah, despite the pain, clung to the fragments of a love she believed could withstand any storm. However, as the betrayal persisted, the threads of her patience unraveled.

After giving JP numerous chances, each one squandered without remorse, Keyah found herself at a breaking point. The decision to escape from the suffocating grasp of her toxic relationship led her to a bar unknown to her—a refuge where the dim glow of neon signs provided a semblance of solace.

Entering the bar, Keyah sought solace in the burn of hard drinks, attempting to drown the sorrows that clung to her like a relentless shadow. The unfamiliar surroundings mirrored the uncertainty of her newfound independence, a realm where she could redefine herself beyond the confines of JP's betrayal.

Amidst the clinking glasses and distant hum of conversations, someone unexpected appeared at her side. Zander, a stranger in this transient sanctuary, questioned why Keyah sat alone. Drawn to the sincerity in his eyes, she spilled the tale of her tumultuous relationship with the unfaithful JP, recounting the pain and heartache that had driven her to this unfamiliar haven.

Zander listened intently, absorbing the weight of Keyah's story. Empathy sparked a plan within him—an audacious idea to whisk Keyah away to Canada and enact revenge upon the unworthy JP. However, as he delved deeper into Keyah's world, something unexpected transpired.

Zander found himself falling for Keyah, his initial intentions giving way to genuine emotions. A conflict stirred within him as he grappled with the desire for retribution and the blossoming love that grew in the wake of Keyah's vulnerability.

"I cannot let JP back into her life," Zander declared to himself. "Keyah is mine, all mine, and I will not allow someone to hurt her, touch her, or even talk to her. Because Keyah Ayasha Fajardo is mine."

As the night unfolded, the bar witnessed the convergence of two souls—Keyah, seeking refuge from a shattered love, and Zander, torn between revenge and the unexpected blossoming of genuine affection. Little did they know, this chance encounter would mark the beginning of a journey filled with complexities, where the echoes of past betrayals collided with the prospect of a new and unforeseen love.


Maybe This Time (Time Series #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now