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As Zander's words lingered in the air, I found myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. The mere suggestion of leaving everything behind and seeking revenge stirred a mixture of fear, excitement, and uncertainty within me. But beneath it all, there was a glimmer of hope – hope for liberation from the suffocating grip of a toxic relationship, hope for a chance to reclaim my sense of self-worth and dignity.

"But... how?" I interjected, my voice barely above a whisper, betraying the fear and doubt gnawing at my insides.

"Because you still love him," Zander replied, his tone firm yet empathetic. "Stop it, Keyah! You've been hurt over and over again by him, and I've witnessed how much you've cried because of him. This is the only way for you to get revenge."

His words struck a chord deep within me, stirring a sense of resolve amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling inside. For too long, I had allowed myself to be a victim of JP's deceit and betrayal. Now, with Zander's unwavering support, I saw a glimmer of hope for redemption, for justice.

"But... what about my job?" I voiced my concern, grappling with the practicalities of uprooting my life and starting anew.

Zander's gaze softened, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. "Submit your resignation letter, and we will go to Canada. I want you to manage my company!" His words caught me off guard, a testament to his unwavering faith in my capabilities.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't help but ask, a lingering doubt still gnawing at the edges of my resolve.

"I'm sure," Zander replied, his voice filled with quiet determination and unwavering confidence.

With a sense of trepidation mingled with excitement, I began to envision a new chapter unfolding before me – one filled with possibility, empowerment, and the promise of a brighter future.

"I started eating," I said, mustering a brave smile as I took a sip of my coffee, the warmth of Zander's presence giving me courage.

Agreed. I would follow my brother and father to Canada eventually. My brother had gone ahead, so I had said I would follow later since I still had a job here in the Philippines.

After we finished eating and cleaning up, he suddenly invited me.

"Keyah! Want to go to the beach?" he asked.

"Sure!" I replied enthusiastically.

We went to the mall first because I didn't have any swimsuits. And I had a surprise for him because I bought a black two-piece swimsuit. Of course, I wanted to swim too.

When we arrived at the beach, I asked where it was.

"Zand! What beach is this?" I asked, marveling at the pristine beauty of the shoreline stretched out before us.

"This is my private resort!" Zander announced proudly, mischief dancing in his eyes.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement as he took my hand, leading me towards the sun-kissed sands.

As we approached, we were greeted by the warm smiles of the staff, who welcomed us with genuine hospitality.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am and Sir!" they greeted us warmly, their faces lit up with genuine smiles.

I noticed Zander motioning for our belongings to be taken care of by one of the staff members, a small act of thoughtfulness that didn't go unnoticed.

"Keyah, let's change into our swimsuits. I want to swim!" Zander suggested, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he led me towards the beachfront cottages.

Although we had separate rooms, they were adjacent, and I couldn't help but marvel at the breathtaking view of the ocean from my window.

I went into the bathroom, carrying my black two-piece swimsuit.

After I changed, I covered myself with a thin black towel because I couldn't go out wearing just the swimsuit.

I saw Zander near the cottage by the sea, so I followed him.

"Let's go diving!" he exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement and slowly removed my swimsuit, revealing myself to him. Zander's reaction was priceless.

"Hot and sexy!" he exclaimed.

"I know!" I replied playfully.

"I don't understand why he traded you. Everything was already yours, but he still cheated on you!" Zander remarked.

"He wasted a girl like me!" I declared, embracing my newfound sense of self-worth.

And so, we frolicked in the waves, diving beneath the surface to explore the vibrant coral reefs that teemed with life below.

Afterward, as we emerged from the water, breathless and exhilarated, Zander pulled me close, his eyes ablaze with mischief as he challenged me to a race along the shoreline.

"Hahaha, you can't follow me!" I teased, sprinting ahead as he gave chase, the sound of our laughter mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.

But as the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the tranquil waters, we retreated to the shore, our laughter fading into a comfortable silence as we watched the colors of the sky shift and change with the fading light.

"A staff member called out, interrupting our reverie with the promise of a sumptuous feast awaiting us."

With Zander's arm around me, we made our way back to the cottage, where a feast fit for royalty awaited us.

"Let's eat!" Zander exclaimed, gesturing towards the mouth-watering array of dishes spread out before us.

And so, we dined like royalty, savoring each delectable bite as we shared stories and laughter late into the night.

"Did you enjoy the meal?" Zander asked, his eyes sparkling with delight as he watched me devour a succulent lobster.

"It was delicious!" I exclaimed, my taste buds tingling with pleasure.

"Yes! Manang prepared it," he replied, nodding towards the kitchen where the staff bustled about, tidying up after our meal.

"Excuse me!" I blurted out, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks at the sudden lapse in manners.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone's burping," Zander reassured me, a playful twinkle in his eye as he reached for another helping of seafood.

After dinner, I returned to my room to change, anticipating another round of drinks with Zander.

But before I could even settle in, there was a knock at the door, and one of Zander's staff members appeared, bearing a message.

"Ma'am, Sir Zander is waiting for you at the mini-bar," she informed me.

"Thank you, just give me a moment," I replied, hastily changing into a short, off-shoulder dress before making my way to the mini-bar.

"Where's Zander?" I inquired as I approached the table where he was seated.

"He's at the mini-bar. It's near the clinic," Manang replied.

"Thank you," I replied before heading to find Zander.

As I approached, Zander looked up, a warm smile spreading across his face as he greeted me.

"Good evening, Keyah!" he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with genuine warmth at the sight of me.

"Good evening to you too! You look handsome," I complimented him, feeling a flush of warmth spread across my cheeks.

"You look stunning," he replied, his gaze lingering on me in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

As we sipped our drinks, the familiar strains of a song filled the air, evoking memories of laughter, joy, and the promise of a new beginning


Maybe This Time (Time Series #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now