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No one pov

"And now, here he is, the Immortal Stuntman, The One Hated by Death, Skull De Mort!"  A loud cheer abruptly penetrate the stadium.  In there course, a man with leather suit and a bike, start performing his stunt.  All the fans start screaming near the death defying stunt but at the last minute, he save the day

All these routine continue especially for Skull or more is known the Black Cat but no one know that.  Train especially create multiple aliases and the most over the top is Skull the Immortal Stuntman to enable her to explain the requirement to travel.  Not only that, the title stuck due she accidentally use her Cloud Flame to repair her injuries but make it seem like she do not know about it.  She count her lucky stars on that but she sure that like it or not, it will come to bite her ass

Everyday is a tired routine for Train.  She already forgot that she was a civilian which was Ilia Lockstar but with her past lives caught up to her.  She knows that she do not know how to integrate her lives with civilian when all her skills practically scream at her that she is not mean to be a civilian.  That day Ilia Lockstar die with her naivety to live a normal live but Train Heartnet come ablaze to the surface

Train keep accepting job after job to ensure her survival, deluding that she is a he and thankfully she got Mist Flame the next few years on the job.  Its not strong but she kept using it and people assume that Black Cat is a Mist instead of Cloudy Sky.  The jobs keep piling and Sky trying to tie her to famiglia but she enjoy freelance instead of being tied it.  She can contribute it to being a Cloud and a Sky who do not want to dictate her.  Train carefully do not allowed these imbecile know that she/he is a Sky

Since then, there is no joy on accepting jobs because she do not feel any challenge

'Haa~, no enjoyment, no challenge, no entertainment...  What am I going to do after this?'

While mulling over this, Train head on her van to rest after the show.  Thankfully her fans dont bombard her with their enthusiasm but better be caution than sorry.  She wonder how can they last with her obnoxious, flamboyant Skull persona.  A persona where the very personification of irritation to the point of exasperate but maybe that they like her, want challenge.  Well, she did create this persona for that

Once enter the van, Train feel that there is a presence in the van

'This person, they are dangerous.  I couldnt pinpoint the location'

Since she still in Skull persona, she treat the intruder as a fanatical fan

"Whatta. how can you enter the Great Skull-sama van, are you one of those fanatical fan too?!"

"Hahahaha, no no.  I am here to offer you a job"

"A job?"

"That's right.  Currently I am assembling a team, The Strongest Seven and you are chosen"

"Why me?"

"Well, I am sure that you will know later especially with your curiosity on your purple flame.  Here the location and you will know later.  Goodbye then Signore De Mort"


'Damn, he got away.  He is a Mist.  A dangerous and slippery one.  He said that I am chosen and purple which means Cloud.  He need a cloud.  Why is that?  Well, I hope that this will enlighten me on boredom'

Two weeks later~~

Train who is now using Skull persona because that man in iron hat identify her as that arrive at a cabin.  Once he enter, there are six others sitting on a round table.  Each have their own title

I am disappointed in you (re-edit)Where stories live. Discover now