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Reborn pov

Ever since the Fated Day, all the arcobalenos scatter across the globe.  The pain of betrayal that our Sky know that we will be curse and just shut it.  We even see that Skull manage to get angry.  He even punch Luce right in the face even though she was pregnant.  

After we manage to get ourselves together, we try to track each other but there is no clue regarding Skull where about.  Plus the strange thing is my flame state that Luce is not my Sky.  If not who is it.  We try to contact the people that interact with Skull but no one know where he is.  Not only that, he just vanish like a thin smoke.  Even Luce funeral, he did not show up.  Seriously that Lackey, where did he go?  How dare that he got away from us, from ME

Skull/Train pov

After I got away from that cursed what the rest call the Fated Day, I quickly cut any contact regarding Skull De Mort and the others aliases by starting to assimilate myself with this new body.  I even check my Kitten if they are okay.  Thankfully that they are okay but it seem that they are sleeping.  It seems that the curse cause them to be sleeping but I dont know for sure, better wait for a few years

A few years later

I know that the rest of the arcobalenos are looking for me but why should I go to meet their demand.  They are nothing to me since they are only apart on my entertainment.  The only connection we have with the others only through the pacifier.  Through the years, I manage to graduate as a medical approve doctor in order to ensure that I am able to check myself up and other degree or doctorate which I am unable to spend the time with to learn

Somehow or another, I am entitle as Carcassa Donna due to I kill all the higher ups.  Since none of the members do not know how to survive without a don, they give the throne to me.  Once I found out what Carcassa have been doing, a house clean up occur.  All the businesses are put on hold, drug becom medicine, human trafficking become a go to place to have second live for mafia, arm dealing only for the respected or good famiglia.  The corrupt Carcassa act as a cover of the famiglia I reform.  I even teach them how to combat and instill loyalty into the members regarding the famiglia.  From then, a famiglia Noctis Famiglia is shine under the cover of Carcassa.  What are befitting name for a famiglia which lurk under the shadow.  Each member also know that I am a woman and just keep it a secret among them

Of course no one suspect us because we are the worst famiglia isnt it.  Each department come up with ideas and start planning on how to implement it by attacking the Mafia Land.  And from there, I meet the arcobaleno which are Reborn and Colonello.  Shit

I know that Reborn take the reign of tutoring the Cavallone Decimo, Dino Cavallone and now tutoring the poor Vongola Decimo.  But I never thought that I will meet them.  After the yearly invasion, I am confront by both of them after the kid get away.  Thankfully, I manage to create a construct to interact with them while I watch at the sideline

"Lackey, all these years where did you go"

"Umm... Just here and there"

"Huh as expected of Lackey, you only entered the lowest famiglia after all"

When I heard that, I bristle that they dare to say that to my face but thinking that its only a cover up, just dismiss it.  They demand the construct to do chore and fill their whim especially Reborn.  Huh, do you think that is me.  You are so dead wrong.  For me, you just nothing except toys of amusement.  Really, I leave clue that I am a stuntman, a performer where I only show what people want to see.  Not only that, they never contribute that I am able to isolate myself from them just a big clue that I know the way of mafia.  But they are too arrogant to believe that.  How am I suppose to feel that all of you are mine when you never treat that I am part of you, a human being

I wonder how long will this theater will end.  I only do my thing with my famiglia and one day Reborn call the rest on the famiglia to do Arcobaleno Trial.  I test the Vongola and accept that he is able to succeed for the seal.  Somehow he knows that I am not what I am and try to ask about it.  I only shake my head and just proceed to home with the rest of famiglia.  But the next thing happen, I need to train Hibari for the Vongola Trial.  Hibari seems able to sense who I am and challenge.  No need to say, I beat him to the point that he call Sensei.  Haa really this boy.  I reluctantly teach him in exchange never said about my real abilities to the others.  He ask why and I only tell him that they dont deserve it.  Who knows maybe next time they might able to

From then on, I become Hibari's tutor but to my surprise a memory rush to my head.  The memory of Future-Never-Was.  I bravely take down Millifiore army to the point that I died in the battle.  When I wake up, I cried.  My Kitten.  They unable to see the world due to that stupid Marshmallow.  The arcobalenos also receive the memory but they just chalk it up as just a bluff.  They cant believe that I am able to fight since I am the Weakest Arcobaleno to them.  Heh, I am probably the Strongest of them and not all I discover that Reborn is my Sun.  Sometime I train Hibari, waiting whether he will figure our bond or not but he seems that he did not notice it.  I can only hug my partner, June, the black cat

Every time arcobaleno tried to demand or order me around, I just send construct to entertain them.  Even Aria and Yuni do not respect me.  They believe that I am lower than them.  Huh, we'll see about that

All these follow until the blasted man come in my dream, stating that there is a way to reduce a person from curse while the rest will continue.  I got suspicion on that and start contact Talbot, discussing a way to break it and choose a jar as a substitute with Vindice Night Flame to rotate the flame in the jar.  I request the Shimon for my representative in the battle and when Vindice us for the watch, I order Mist of the famiglia to create an illusion that they are attack.  Enma ask me why I did that and I only said that it is not worth it if all of them are dead due to me.  I dont know why but they want to form an alliance with us.  After our alliance, I explain what exactly our famiglia is to Enma.  How shock Enma is and he promise that this secret only between him and me

Tsuna come up with a plan to solve the curse and ask for help from the others.  I only watch since this improve Tsuna how to lead a famiglia.  As I expected, he is a natural leader.  All the fiasco with everyone happy with the curse remove from the arcobaleno.  Then come another blasted news

"We need to stay in a place in order to ensure that we age properly.  And no flame use to avoid complication"

When I heard that, what.  You got to be kidding me.  I need to be with them.  Yuni can only stay a few times because she have responsibilities to her famiglia.  As I heard that, I quickly notified my famiglia regarding the situation and come up with several solutions if the needs come.  With my make up, suit, technologies to settle for the famiglia matters.  I stay at the blasted mansion that previously we stay before curse.  Not only that, my morning sickness come back and my craving kept coming.  With me rapidly aging, unable to use Mist Flame, I mostly stay in room or just on the road.  They might suspect me.  Thankfully, the process only last for three months but for me it is a crisis for my identity.  I manage to use Mist create from my famiglia technologies to cover my swell.  Due to my aging, the swell only look like 3 months after the aging stop.  Thank you Kitten.  Mama love you

The Vongola make a celebration party due to happy event and I only look at them.  Talbot approach me

"Why didnt you tell them that you are the one that come up with the solution?"

"Hahaha, they will never accept it.  Dont you remember, I am the weakest"

"But you are on par with Reborn.  How could they be so blind?"

"That is what we call arrogant.  They automatically label me weak before they know the real me.  Forget it.  Just enjoy the party Talbot"

Unbeknown to both of us, two person heard us

"Skull-san.."  a certain brunette with doe eye shock while another only shake his head because even he, himself can see that the others are stupid for not knowing his Sensei 

I am disappointed in you (re-edit)Where stories live. Discover now