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No one pov

From Skull/Train journal that Viper/Mammon manage to procure, the arcobalenos read them in Arcobaleno Mansion.  In the journal, list all the warning, his suspicion of Checkerface and Luce.  All the manipulations and the treatment toward the Cloudy Sky.  They never thought that they fell on his performance and even they can feel Skull amusement from toying them.  They want to know the next of the curse but the journal only stop right when Skull made a decision to break contact with a group abuser.  They even feel like to puke when thinking of Giglio Nero.  If not Skull not suppress his Sky, then the chosen is Skull instead of Luce bloodline

After they read it, a numb feeling fill their body especially Reborn because he cant believe that he treat his Sky like that.  When think about, there supposed to be connection or bond between elements but there is no bond to Skull.  It shows how they never consider Skull not a part of them.  Only through pacifier that identify him as part of them.  But due the break of the curse, he have no connection with them.  Also, Train herself told them that Skull already dead right after the curse break

It is true that its only Mist construct but how can she create a construct so powerful.  This shows how strong she is.  Even Reborn admit that Train Heartnet or known as Black Cat is on par with him and some even speculate that he might on equal standing with Reborn.  A part of him purr when thinking about it but a part of him reprimand on being lie to by the said person.  It is well known that Black Cat is a Mist but there is no confirmation of his strength and no one knows that he is a she

Reborn keep thinking on how to win Train back and ask for her forgiveness while the rest of arcobalenos keep thinking on their fault and thinking on how to start a friendship with Train from scratch.  It is crystal clear that Train dont want to have anything to do with them

From that day, the arcobalenos try everything they can to contact with Train but only receive dead end.  Lastly, they manage to confront Enma but even Enma dont know but he said that if they really want to is it due to their guilt or that they want her friendship.  They can only answer with silence because they try to analyse their sincerity of the supposed friendship that they want to forge with the Sky.  Enma can only give them clue that she is a Mafia Donna

When they heard that, they are kind of shock that the elusive cat is a Mafia Donna but thinking that they dont know anything about Train, they cant speculate anything.  Reborn look really devastated since his flames keep writhing in pain of wanting to meet his Sky but he, as stupidity blind him of the diamond and choose a glass.  Train who is his Sky while Giglio Nero only a decoration.  The sweet Yuni knows that Skull/Train is more than that but she want to monopolise them thus never said anything

Once they heard that, they are really mad at her.  Colonello even said that she really is Giglio Nero.  What a black heart they are.  Even though they have their own elements, they still selfish to want more even though their puny Sky unable to shelter them in their Sky

Train pov

"They sure are trying to contact you Boss"

"Haa... like I said before before Jazz, human once lost something, they will try to take it back.  Even though the person they want to never exist in the first place"

  Even though the person they want to never exist in the first place"

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Name: Jazz Sinetra

Position: Cloud Guardian

Specialty: Firearm (all kind)

(pic taken from Gugure Kokkuri-san.  Just ignore the love letters)

"Do you want to accept them?"

"I dont know but they are the very reason Skull De Mort dead and I have no connection to them except Reborn who is my Sun.  It seems that he knows that he is my Sun and want to amend his mistake.  As if I will let them easily especially around my Kitten"

"I see but no matter what. I will and the rest of the famiglia will always stay by your side boss"

"Thank you Jazz"

"Anytime for my Sky.  If not because you save me and train me hard, I will never survive and you protect due to my strong Cloud from others"

"haha, I never thought that you will be my Cloud.  Its not that I dont like it but I always know that my Sky flames is picky like a cat and it only choose the best for me.  The very reason that you are chosen as mine shows that you are strong enough and on symmetry with my flames to stand by my side to fight the enemies"

"Its my pleasure boss.  It seems that you need more rest because you just give birth just a month ago and paperwork keep piling"

"Damn you paperwork"

"How can that be.  You are a Donna"

"Alright, alright I will rest"

"Well then"

Jazz dismiss himself from the office and I start finish the last stack of the paperwork.  Thankfully that my famiglia not really like Vongola where destruction keep on piling the bill repairs on Don desk.  Poor Tsuna-chan but thats for him to endure, not me

Once finish, I step into my room and look for my Kitten.  The nanny bow to me after she see me and quickly leave us alone

"Mama is here Kitten"

My Kitten only giggle when she see me and June keep entertain her by swiping his tail near her.  What a peaceful life isnt it but I know that it will never last.  After feeding and burp Isabella, she almost fall asleep if not after a certain someone somehow manage to bypass the mansion security and stand near the bed

"Chaos Train"

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